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[solved] questions?
#1 to change to zombie? do i make transform? to make enemys slower with special attack? to make attack like fire and ice?

i need some answers for this questions. thanks already!
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1.) what do you mean?

Mainsite Wrote:State 8000 - Transform

With state 8000, you can transform one character into another. There is another transform state, but it only works with id-numbers 6 and 50: the transformation of Louis to LouisEX (see state: 9995). Here is some basic info about transforming:

* Use state 8000 + id-number of the object you want to transform into (ex: state 8030 to transform into id: 30).
* When you transform, the computer takes a frame's pic-number, adds 140 to it, and uses that pic instead. Because of this, you usually have to change the way the character's spritesheets are defined in the bmp-part. If you select the character from the menu, they'll use their normal sprites, but if you transform into him, they'll use the pic-number + 140 sprites.
* The computer calculates the number of pics using the product of the "row" and "col" parts of the file tag, so sometimes you'll have to "waste" pic-numbers to guarantee that the transformed character will use the proper sprites.
* In the bmp part, you have to remember that you are limited to 10 picture files!
* If a character has more than 140 pictures, you have to use pic 0 to 139 for the first 140 pictures and 280 to 419 for the following pictures.

If you want to transform into one of the original characters, you can use the files in the "Random Criminal" download. In that file, I modified all of the characters (except for LouisEX) so that you can transform into them.

3.) Advanced DCing, you should practice first + search for a thread (because I'm pretty sure that this has already been asked)

4.) You don't. Except if you manipulate the exe. But that's not DCing anymore.

And.... mainsite search first......
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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1. Make a new sprite sheet and start DCing
2. See above
3. >>Here<<
4. >>Here<<
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And he really got answers? wow... I would have only handed him the link to a Search function ^^
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Then where is the fun???
Beside he's a newcomer. He could get some help this time.
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But even when he is a newcomer... Shouldn'T you show him how to use a forum correctly?
And most people today are foren.experienced, so he is maybe only new to THIS forum, but still to lazy to use search...
My Creations: (Click to View)

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Barely active, expect slow responses. If at all.

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4. Change ALL the characters you want to do it to, and use >itr:kind:3<.

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