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.dat syntax highlighting for the [code] tag
i think ive asked before - but i cant remember when
could we have the code tag to highlight .dat syntax like the data changer?
the current code tag is rather bare:
boring colorless code
<frame> 1337 nonhilghligtedmove:( <frame_end>
however the php one is all colorful by default:
PHP Code:
i dont know how hard/easy it is to create a new highlighting tag (but i cant imagine it being that hard)
in any case ive found a plugin for an older version with several languages:
and also that you can apparently create your own tags easily:

so there should be no discussing yourself out by saying its not possible :p

and these would be all the things we need to highlight:
/C1"Frames" #0000A0
<bmp_begin> <bmp_end> <boss> <background> <background_end>
<frame> <frame_end> <file_editing> <file_editing_end>
<object> <object_end>
<phase> <phase_end>
<stage> <stage_end> <soldier>
<weapon_strength_list> <weapon_strength_list_end>
/C2"Attributes" #800000
attacking: aaction: action: act: arest:
backhurtact: bdefend: bound:
col: centerx: centery: cover: catchingact: caughtact: cc: c1: c2:
dash_height dash_distance dash_distancez dvx: dvy: dvz: decrease: dircontrol:
effect: entry:
file fronthurtact: fall: facing: file:
heavy_walking_speed heavy_walking_speedz heavy_running_speed heavy_running_speedz h: head: hit_a: hit_d: hit_j: hit_Fa: hit_Ua: hit_Da: hit_Fj: hit_Uj: hit_Dj: hit_ja: hurtable: hp: height:
id: injury:
jump_height jump_distance jump_distancez join:
mp: music:
name: next:
running_frame_rate running_speed running_speedz rowing_height rowing_distance row: ratio: rect: reserve:
small: state: sound: shadow: shadowsize:
taction: throwvx: throwvy: throwvz: throwinjury: times: type: transparency:
vaction: vrest:
walking_frame_rate walking_speed walking_speedz w: wait: weaponact: weapon_hit_sound: weapon_drop_sound: weapon_broken_sound: weapon_hp: weapon_drop_hurt: width: when_clear_goto_phase:
zwidth: zboundary:
/C3"Tags" #008040
bpoint: bpoint_end: bdy: bdy_end:
cpoint: cpoint_end:
itr: itr_end:
layer: layer_end
opoint: opoint_end:
wpoint: wpoint_end:
Thanks given by: MH-Razen

Messages In This Thread
.dat syntax highlighting for the [code] tag - by YinYin - 09-20-2008, 02:42 PM

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