04-17-2009, 08:18 AM
snorsorbet III (Nave, Sonidow, Blue Phoenix)
Sonidow I (Drahcir)
Dome I (snorsorbet)
Nave II (Dome, Phil)
That's 7 out of 8 votes. (SirFrog?)
Deadline has passed... so snor is executed.
A heavily accused person in the beginning, lucky him to survive.
His fate brings him the death in this round.
All hope that he was Mafia (except for three people)
This doesn't look good.
He was a Citizen, for what you could've known...
1. snorsorbet - Citizen
2. Blue Phoenix
3. Sonidow
4. Dome
5. Silva - Citizen
6. Hacker - Citizen
7. sadbhav - Thug
8. Nave
9. Duketsu - Citizen
10. Drahcir
11. Phil
12. SirFrog
Mafia to Citizen ratio - 3:4
-2 Citizens
-1 Doctor
-1 Sheriff
-2 Mafia
-1 Godfather
Alas, people, this could be the last!
Pray to heaven the doc does a good job.
I need:
-1 Doctor PM (important!)
-1 Sheriff PM
-2 Mafia PM (1 Godfather PM)
Sonidow I (Drahcir)
Dome I (snorsorbet)
Nave II (Dome, Phil)
That's 7 out of 8 votes. (SirFrog?)
Deadline has passed... so snor is executed.
A heavily accused person in the beginning, lucky him to survive.
His fate brings him the death in this round.
All hope that he was Mafia (except for three people)
This doesn't look good.
He was a Citizen, for what you could've known...
1. snorsorbet - Citizen
2. Blue Phoenix
3. Sonidow
4. Dome
5. Silva - Citizen
6. Hacker - Citizen
7. sadbhav - Thug
8. Nave
9. Duketsu - Citizen
10. Drahcir
11. Phil
12. SirFrog
Mafia to Citizen ratio - 3:4
-2 Citizens
-1 Doctor
-1 Sheriff
-2 Mafia
-1 Godfather
Alas, people, this could be the last!
Pray to heaven the doc does a good job.
I need:
-1 Doctor PM (important!)
-1 Sheriff PM
-2 Mafia PM (1 Godfather PM)
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