06-01-2010, 12:35 PM
Round III
Team 1 is in a brawl situation.
Team 2 is in a brawl situation.
Dummy 1 attacks Dummy 3 and hits for 0 dmg.
Dummy 3 attacks Dummy 1 and hits for 2 dmg.
Dummy 1 was destroyed.
Shorogan can't target any MS because of the brawl situation.
Remember, brawl consist of 1on1 fights only
Shorogan ran out of airtime and was forced to land.
Dummy 2 attacks Dummy 4 and hits for 1 dmg.
Dummy 4 attacks Dummy 2 and hits for 0 dmg.
The SL of Team 2 got defeated, the team was set to disorganized state.
Prepare for Round IV
Team 1:
Formation: Base 3
Tactic: Line
-Dummy 1 (Zaku)
-Shorogan (G-Type) [4/5] (-, G)
-Dummy 2 (Corefighter) [1/3] (inf.) brawl against Dummy 4
Team 2:
Formation: Base 3
Tactic: - - -
-Dummy 3 (Zaku) [4/4] (1) desorganized
-Simoneon (Corefighter)
-Dummy 4 (Crusader) [5/6] (-, G) brawl against Dummy 2, desorganized
Btw, since Simonean (as SL of Team 2) is dead, he cannot give anymore orders. In fact it's just Shorogan remaining to fight with/against the bots... Should be over soon ^^'
Team 1 is in a brawl situation.
Team 2 is in a brawl situation.
Dummy 1 attacks Dummy 3 and hits for 0 dmg.
Dummy 3 attacks Dummy 1 and hits for 2 dmg.
Dummy 1 was destroyed.
Shorogan can't target any MS because of the brawl situation.
Remember, brawl consist of 1on1 fights only
Shorogan ran out of airtime and was forced to land.
Dummy 2 attacks Dummy 4 and hits for 1 dmg.
Dummy 4 attacks Dummy 2 and hits for 0 dmg.
The SL of Team 2 got defeated, the team was set to disorganized state.
Prepare for Round IV
Team 1:
Formation: Base 3
Tactic: Line
-Dummy 1 (Zaku)
-Shorogan (G-Type) [4/5] (-, G)
-Dummy 2 (Corefighter) [1/3] (inf.) brawl against Dummy 4
Team 2:
Formation: Base 3
Tactic: - - -
-Dummy 3 (Zaku) [4/4] (1) desorganized
-Simoneon (Corefighter)
-Dummy 4 (Crusader) [5/6] (-, G) brawl against Dummy 2, desorganized
Btw, since Simonean (as SL of Team 2) is dead, he cannot give anymore orders. In fact it's just Shorogan remaining to fight with/against the bots... Should be over soon ^^'
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