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[Char]Darkraus(on pause for now)
To explain the things the both guys noted above:

In all LF2 spritesheets, you will have a black background.
However, ingame, you do not see the background (woudl look sucky, wouldnt it?).
The reason is: LF2 engine uses a special kind of transparency. It will not display anything, if the color is 0/0/0 = perfect black.

Due to your hair changing you may accidentally changed the black 0/0/0 area around his hair, too. Into something like 2/7/6 maybe or whatever.
For human eye, there is no visible diffirence between 0/0/0 and 2/7/6 (both is black), but the LF2 engine will account latter color as something it is supposed to display.

I'm using this fact whenever i want to have "black" in my sprites, since using the 0/0/0 "standard black" will be transparent ingame. Instead, using 2/2/2 black will make LF2 display black pixels.

A little tip:
Before testing your sprite ingame, always (if your graphic problem has such an option) use the "Replace" function, then choose 0/0/0 black with tolerancy 0 (so it will ONLY replace the transparency-black) and choose something like dark red as replacement color.
Now the background of your sprite should be red. And on spots where you have "dirty pixels" (like around his hair) the black would actually stay black in the spritesheets (since it is not 0/0/0).

PS: "0/0/0" and other numbers refer to the RGB-System...
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Return (String) System.getNewsOfTheDay();
Barely active, expect slow responses. If at all.

Thanks given by: Jed37
New sprites for the all of the animations,take a look and post ur comments/suggestions/critics;)
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Okay, this is actually now probably getting on everyone's nerves and is also considered SPAM.
If you keep deleting your post and reposting, people get annoyed because it's always at the top of the list. People will look at the post as and when they feel they want or need to. Do not try and force it onto the top of the newest replies by spamming the delete post and post replies buttons.

I am not trying to sound harsh when I say that, but I dislike it intensely. There are OTHER PROJECTS AND POSTS that some of us are interested in viewing, hence why it is a forum. So far I've seen this thread have about 3/4 different replies straight away after Alblaka's post which never changed - all of them YOURS.

Please could you stop repeatedly deleting and posting new replies. There's an edit button - it was put on the forum for you to use for a reason. I'm really sorry if that came out in a harsh tone or manner, it's not particularly my style to get annoyed at anything.

Edit - You are lucky a moderator hasn't warned you yet.

Noticeably you have corrected most of the mistakes in the sprites that you have done. Very well done and it's great to see someone as enthusiastic about making a character as you. The forum needs more people that are willing to try and do new moves and characters as fast as possible, even if it is going over pre-made sprites. Obviously for the fact you're using a pre-made character base you've added your own moves - excellent choice. It means that you're not just recolouring and calling it a character that you made because you renamed it.

There are still some odd parts in the hair of the attack frames, the light seems to move across it randomly. Maybe you should look into that a bit.

Well done other than that, keep up your work.

One day, I shall become, TUTORIAL-MAN: Superhero of writing overly long, overly annoying tutorials which most people probably won't read, but will give it a stab at the first 5 lines!
Thanks given by: Lauli , Reaper
Ah sowwie,had no idea its a spam.Just wanted to show that im active and that this thread is always updated.
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Considering most of the point have been covered. I'd recommend making the attack sprite move a bit more, he looks static at the moment. I like the way the glow goes, but I'm guessing it didn't go right, since some of the shades on the sprite are getting interrupted. The walking looks really strange (frames aren't complete?), and when he moves, there is a sort of blur on the clothing, same goes for the standing.

PS: If you want to show your activity, post on other topics, other than your own. Once people get to know you, more people would reply.

@Whaat: Now you're just twisting my words. D: XD
And the walking, I meant it looks strange on how you setup the GIF.
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(08-07-2010, 06:01 PM)PsychoPixels Wrote:  PS: If you want to show your activity, post on other topics, other than your own. Once people get to know you, more people would reply.
I think he is saying that he wants to tell people ´i updated this, look if it´s better´ i think it´s better to say in his own topic than in other people´s topics :p
And for char: Maybe he could move little more in that punching? Or is he some kind of cool guy ´i move my finger and you die´?
And for that PsychoPix´s comment about walking, i think it´s really good, it´s somehow different than normal walkings.
But still, i would like to see sprites that you have made more by your own, at the moment, it´s just black justin body + black bat hair.
Might be back, might be not :^) anyways awesome to see you guys again!
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Oki,i tried my best to edit the sprites/animation and finished the cannon thingy.Will work on the rest of the sprites soon...:p
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That cannon laser attack looks pretty cool, but you should add more frames to the attack in the beginning. It'll make it smoother that way.
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I liked it just thought the hair a little weird but anyway congrats!
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Just a question- Why is there a blot that looks like part of the clothing where his nose is? Sorry if this sounds stupid, but my ugly computer can't display dark colors, it's just 1 big blob.
Breathing sprite- Mucho better.
Walking sprite-Better, that shimmer hair thing was pretty annoying.
Attacking- I said before that more frames would make it look smoother. Increasing the rate of the frames doesn't help.
Laser- The halo rings are okay, but the cannon needs more frames.
Stories- Wrath of MH-Razen and Clash of the Empires
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