In regards to this thread by xxtomnyxx:
Armour Effect of ID
I have managed to add the first 5 lines but I can't manage to add the 6th line. It says, "unknown identifier". How can I solve this one?
Pls. help, thanks!
Armour Effect of ID
If you want creat a new id with Armour Effect, just replace the code ''mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi+6F4]'' at 0042CCE6 with ''JMP XXXXXXXX ''.
Then at XXXXXXXX should like this:
XXXXXXXX mov eax,dword ptr ds:[edi+6F4]
XXXXXXXX cmp eax,25
XXXXXXXX cmp eax,#←←←the id you want to creat
XXXXXXXX jnz 0042CD56
XXXXXXXX cmp dword ptr ds:[esi+B8],0F←←←you can type any number(hex) you want. The bigger the number is, the stronger your character will be
I have managed to add the first 5 lines but I can't manage to add the 6th line. It says, "unknown identifier". How can I solve this one?
Pls. help, thanks!