Version 1.12
After hours of work (omg, the Black Hole move took me 3 hours only >.<) and several (now soluted) problems...
The begin of a new life is dark, always.
But for some people, the chosen's of the fate, it can be even darker...
Sharn's first memory was a dark room, filled with pain. He could remember some faces, some scientists... and more pain. It took him five years to find out what happened to him, five years of running around, fleeing, hiding, fighting a mysterious organisation...
"Project Vortex" was the codename of the secret experiments, that were made in a secret laboratory somewhere deep beyond the Rocky Mountains. At the beginning, it were 20. 20 Clones of one and the same high-decorated officer. Gen-altered clones of the same high-decorated officer.
When they reached their childhood, only ten were left, the other half died to genetic malfunctions. Seven more clones died due to the cruel experiments, the remaining three reached a age of 12 years. The experiments were mostly completed there, so the education of the clones began: A military training, combined with the basics of society.
Noone planned to give them a own life, a free will or the right to make decisions. They were weapons, science projects, nothing more.
Pegasus, Cortex, Valkyr. Names and Secret Codes at the same time. Whenever the clones heard theire names, a mental order told them to cooperate with whoever said that words.
Six more years gone...
Nobody of the scientists noticed the small, growing malfunction inside the clones. Exactly at the day, where there physical age reached 18 years it happened: Pegasus ran mad and began destroying the laboratory. Though the other both clones were able to stop him, the military gouverment decided to stop the project.
And so, Cortex and Valkyr, both got hidden in the lowest part of the laboratory, behind steel doors of a massive weight, far of all light, electricity, warmth. They thought the lack of all energy would stop the "weapons" from work. But they hadn't known, how great they had done theire jobs:
They created lifeforms, able to absorb any kind of energy, same whether heat or electricity or even light. But whereas Cortex fell into a deep sleep, lost without any energy, Valkyr evolved. He evolved further strength, the ability to absorb even sounds, pressure and gravity into energy and... a own mind. Sharn was born.
His only thought was "I want to get out of here!", even though he noticed, that he was to weak to do anything. So he began charging, charging every cell of his body with every form of energy he could find. Due to the tries of the military to keep his cell free of all energy, they hadn't thought of the earth gravity.
Slowly, but steady Sharn got stronger and stronger...
20 Years after his creation, the clone fled with his immense power, killing hundreds and destroying the entire laboratory. Her left the place of dark and doom and tried to begin a new life... Until they came to catch him, even though he forgot who he was, from where he came and what happened in the long time before. So he began his search...
And now he is there, 25 years after the experiment... and still searching revenge for his dead 19 brothers!
All the people, that saw my earlier 2 projects (
Trio Mortale and
Cleric) know, that i usually don't draw much new into chars, besides recoloring them.
Some month ago, i tried my first sprite project, called "Sharn" (you can see some of the cruelly bad pics
here)... But besides the fact that the sprites looked crappy it would have taken years for me to finish them. Therefore i dropped that project.
About 3 weeks ago i began making THIS "Sharn": A recolored basic char (of Freeze).
However, this char contains WAY more new sprites then ALL my "old" mods TOGETHER:
Even if it are only new balls, charge effects and some added lightning sparks etc i would call Sharn a pretty "well-sprited" char ^^
ADDITIONAL the char contains a good couple of moves (17 ^^) and some of them are using advanced DC.
(Don't believe me? Here's the OFFICIAL proof for that:
So, if there are some beginning DCers, wanting to learn things like "Advanced Move after Death" or similar things: Check out the data ^^
The character itself is acceptable balanced, but (still) a bit overpowered. Or at least some of his moves are pretty destructive. To reduce the IMBAness i DCed some "weaknesses" into the char (though i won't tell them public XD)
You can download it straight from
LF-Empire, download size is about 700 kb.
Here are a few
The good thing on them: All moves of Sharn are descibed in the Readme (in opposite to Cleric
), so there are no Secret Moves (which i couldn't show now).
![[Image: 2u4ijo8.jpg]](
Solar Impact
Brtzl, brtzl, brtzl (< burning noises)
![[Image: 2my8awg.jpg]](
Lightning Strike
... (I don't need to comment that pics, do i?)
![[Image: 2lszn5v.jpg]](
Ground Voltage
Thunders haven't to come ALWAYS from the sky ^^
![[Image: 2w3ddlh.jpg]](
Pressure Ball
NO, this is NOT a simple blastpush copy... it's a complex one!
![[Image: 2n8afsn.jpg]](
Vortex Dive
I know, that doesn't look spectacular, but believe me, the move is genieus...
![[Image: 1zxp8v7.jpg]](
Body Heat Absorb
Read the story? Warmth is one of Sharn's best friends...
Ready for the
![[Image: 2ztbx8p.jpg]](
Black Hole
Due i want you to download the char, i will give you only a short, uninforming
Move List here :P
That one in the Readme is way bigger and will tell you more ^^
Heat Absorb
Body Heat Absorb
Quick Dash
Pressure Ball
Fire Ball
Ice Ball
Thunder Ball
Ligtning Strike
Volta Reborn
Solar Impact
Chaos Impact
Sonic Dash
Vortex Dive
Black Hole
Ground Voltage
Storm Voltage
And here you will find a list of removed bugs, changed values etcetcetc:
-Finished and ready for fun ^^
-Fixed a soundbug while the Volta Reborn surrection
-Solar Impact cannot be stopped with pressing J from now on... a need to prevent a key corruption bug
-Mp cost of Multiple Ground Voltage got reduced to 60
-Fixed a bug, that made Sharn invulnerable during his Charge move
-Thunder Clouds (appear after all energy based moves) won't deal damage now, but last longer (paralizing)
-Mp cost of Lightning Strike reduced to 200
-Changed the height of the Charge Thunderbolt
-Cleaned a (big) couple of dirty pixels in the vortexDive/BlackHole charging animation
-Mp cost of the Charge Thunderbolt got increased to 150 mp
-Now the fully charged Black Hole (Ball) will have a small suck-in effect, too (Just for random fun)
-Additional i fixed a BIG bug with the Help of WoodySmasher regarding the SuckIn effect of the Black hole....
-Since this bug got removed, BH will be WAY more devasting now, therefore the hp costs and difficulty of the key combination got increased...
THANKS to TheNave, MH-Razen and Azriel.
Without them i would still need a big can of BUG-spray XD
PS: Attachment link removed... you can download the char directly via
LF-Epire now.