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[solved] New Cheat
(08-30-2010, 03:12 PM)ethanara Wrote:  i mean that if you push, where does it check "okay, he pushed that, so now i should do this and this"

thats what i explained in the my long post... go read up on basic asm

anyway i made a "" cheat

counter dd ?
cheat_flag db FALSE
cheat proc 
		mov		eax,dword ptr ds:[counter]
		test	eax,eax
		jnz		@F
		cmp     ebx, 4Ch ;L
                jnz     reset_counter
                mov     counter, 1
                jmp     return
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                cmp     eax, 1
                jnz     short @F
                cmp     ebx, 46h ;F
                jnz     L
                mov     counter, 2
                jmp     return
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                cmp     eax, 2
                jnz     short @F
                cmp     ebx, 0bdh ; -
                jnz     F
                mov     counter, 3
                jmp     return
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                cmp     eax, 3
                jnz     short @F
                cmp     ebx, 45h ;E
                jnz     DASH
                mov     counter, 4
                jmp     return
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                cmp     eax, 4
                jnz     @F
                cmp     ebx, 4Dh ;M
                jnz     E
                mov     counter, 5
                jmp     return
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                cmp     eax, 5
                jnz     short @F
                cmp     ebx, 50h ;P
                jnz     M
                mov     counter, 6
                jmp     return
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                cmp     eax, 6
                jnz     short @F
                cmp     ebx, 49h ;I
                jnz     P
                mov     counter, 7
                jmp     return
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                cmp     eax, 7
                jnz     short @F
                cmp     ebx, 52h ;R
                jnz     I
                mov     counter, 8
                jmp     return
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                cmp     eax, 8
                jnz     short @F
                cmp     ebx, 45h ;E
                jnz     R
                mov     counter, 9
                jmp     return
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                cmp     eax, 9
                jnz     short @F
                cmp     ebx, 0beh ;.
                jnz     E_2
                mov     counter, 10
                jmp     return
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                cmp     eax, 10
                jnz     short @F
                cmp     ebx, 44h ;D
                jnz     DOT
                mov     counter, 11
                jmp     return
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                cmp     eax, 11
                jnz     short reset_counter
                cmp     ebx, 45h ;E
                jnz     D
				call 	toggle_cheat
                jmp     return
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                cmp     ebx, 4Ch ; L
                jmp     short teh_jz
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                cmp     ebx, 46h ; F
                jmp     short teh_jz
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                cmp     ebx, 0bdh ; -
                jmp     short teh_jz
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                cmp     ebx, 45h ;E
                jmp     short teh_jz
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                cmp     ebx, 4Dh ;M
                jmp     short teh_jz
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                cmp     ebx, 50h ;P
                jmp     short teh_jz
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                cmp     ebx, 49h ;I
                jmp     short teh_jz
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                cmp     ebx, 52h ;R
                jmp     short teh_jz
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                cmp     ebx, 45h ;E
                jmp     short teh_jz
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                cmp     ebx, 0beh ;.
                jmp     short teh_jz
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                cmp     ebx, 44h ;D
                jz      short return
                mov     counter, 0
				MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[458578h] ;line overwritten
cheat endp
toggle_cheat proc
	.IF cheat_flag == FALSE
		mov cheat_flag, TRUE
		mov cheat_flag,FALSE
toggle_cheat endp

then agian you probably won't understand it anyway :s... maybe someone else will find this useful :)

anyway i skipped some of the stuff it does - i think it has to do with networking stuff (i skipped the whole input flag step). i didnt touch it because getting it to work online would change the difficulty from "hard-ish / annoying" to "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU"
Thanks given by: Surik

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