Alright XD
So we're going to pick the grid we need to put sprites on. I am going to use bandit_0 to show how I am going to align the sprites. Put in mind that each square in bandit's grid is 80x80. We won't have to draw any squares nor the 1 pixel difference thingy in the .dat file
1-We make sure the grid format is RGB:
2-We create a layer at the back, and we fill it with black:
3-We get to the grid layer back, and "Color to Alpha":
4-We pick the bg color (in this case its black; 0x000000) and Ok everything:
5-Now we're going to start placing the sprites. We're going to realign the 1st 3 punch sprites in the 2nd row to the 3 free spaces at the bottom of the grid.
The first sprite can be put anywhere in the square, as the rest will follow its center values:
6-The second sprite in the sequence is then moved to a position right on the previous one of the sequence; in such a way that it would animate perfect if one of them would appear sequentially at a time:
7-From that position, we will start dragging the sprite to the next square while we watch the "Move: x, y" stuff at the task bar. Our goal is to move it until it is in the other's same spot in the square, but in its own square. Since a square is 80px wide, and we are moving it right, we move it until it says (80,0); now both are perfectly aligned with the exact center values:
Now suppose you would like to add have the 4th sprite aligned with the 3 we've got down, but placed in a square which is on an upper row:
And that's pretty much it XD. Save and exit.