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[CHAR] Wizard
I will do Wizard.
As Memento have said, other spriters should focus on other characters.
Also, this one is made not by using flash and since we have 2 flash spriters or 3? Then I think that it can't collide.
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
Thanks given by: Memento , Jahvansi
That's great, Mono :)

Let's think of some moves for the wizard. I think we should go for long distance special moves, mostly, as he isn't much of a physically powerful opponent ;)

For his standard attack, melee, or?
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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I think he should have 1 or 2 attacks related to ice as he lives there and he froze the mask
So I think those could work good

Ice shard- a fast energy ball like attack but is indeed an ice instead of energy
Frost breath- works like firen Fire breath but freeze enemies
Minion summon- I remember it was intended to be there
Self freeze- just like the mask the frost inside the ice, he freeze himself few few sec reviving mana fast and maybe heal?, this can be stopped if attacking him
After few sec he will break off from the ice
[Image: p45mycA.png]
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My ideas:
- Basic attack style: punches, speed same as Louis (slow)

- Magic frost shield: he creates an energy shield around him that freezes anyone that touches it. He can move around with the shield around him for a limited time. The shield can either be destroyed if it would take a lot of damage, or it can be destroyed if it stays for a longer time.

- Ice beam: shoots a beam that freezes the opponent. Simple, not very original maybe, yet pretty awesome imo / OR instead of a beam, shoot ice shards OR an icy wind toward the opponent (similar to what Ariel suggested). Too many possibilities here :p

- Icy magic: a move in which he makes movements with his arms, but you don't clearly see what he's doing. He is shooting invisible, highly chasing balls however, that freeze the opponents / OR instead of this, have him put up an icy wind that freeze enemies on a bigger range than the move mentioned above

- A move in which he defends and creates an ice clone of himself that is standing in the defending position as well, while he jumps backward himself. When the opponent hits the ice clone, the clone is destroyed and the opponent becomes frozen. It can be executed rather fast and works as a counter attack since our wizard isn't a good short distance fighter and can be dominated with melee attacks rather easily (yet he needs to be at least as strong as LouisEX). He needs an attack like this.

- A healing move similar to Jan's

I also think that because he is a wizard, a boss and far from a good hand-to-hand fighter, he should be able to use his special moves very often so we shouldn't make his moves cost too much MP.

Just some ideas :)

I wouldn't go for the minion summoning move though, as we will have plenty of minions in the stage mode already.
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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Minions. He will be able to spawn minnions. Minions can be cyan-blue colored sorcerers with ice ball attack. No need to get fancy but he needs to have more followers. He will summon for of them. But it will require like 1/2 or 2/3 of mana

When he defends, he casts invisible shield but when it interacts with object, shield vanishes.

More sprites.
[Image: 6uLYaOV.png]
Without motivation and interest things gets half-assed and slow
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
Thanks given by: Jahvansi , Ariel , Memento
Quote:More sprites.
[Image: 6uLYaOV.png]
Without motivation and interest things gets half-assed and slow

I mentioned some objection, yet I have no serious objections to the minion spawning move, so I think you should make it as the others seem to want it as well :) It does fit him, too.

For his defense: do you mean it blocks all melee hits, but his shield is broken by special attacks? Not sure if I understood it correctly
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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how about making his frozen frames
(like when someone freeze him lol)
generate some mana?
this could be really interesting
it will be some kind of challenge to beat him with Freeze
and just to make it work most of the time
he will have an attack that actually freeze himself to generate mana

im really into putting that in him, i wont give up on that idea so easily :P
[Image: p45mycA.png]
Thanks given by: Memento , Marko
For defence I mean that when you press D to go to defence state, he just stand with his arm like in the frame, he also spawns invisible John's like shield and whenever object interacts with it, it dissapears with showing some particles in the air.
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
Thanks given by: Marko
Didn't read story yet. Is there any connection between Wizard and Freeze.

I support ideas about summoning, generating mana and Mono's defending stuff. It's original and i think we have to strive for new stuffs as much as possible. I think that will bring success to mod. Not just making bunch of char with editing Marti's based attacks.
Thanks given by: Ariel
(04-06-2015, 12:32 AM)Marko Wrote:  Didn't read story yet. Is there any connection between Wizard and Freeze.

I support ideas about summoning, generating mana and Mono's defending stuff. It's original and i think we have to strive for new stuffs as much as possible. I think that will bring success to mod. Not just making bunch of char with editing Marti's based attacks.

There's no connection between the wizard and freeze, apart from the fact that they are both ice characters.

Summoning: can be done;
Generating mana: can be done in a few ways. One is very easy to make, but it requires you to make an input like DJA+A+A+A+A+A+A+etc.... which is pretty annoying imo and makes him able to generate unlimited mana.. (my Goku has it) OR we could make him gain 500 mana (a full bar). I might have another solution, but I'm not sure if it will work.
Defence move: can be done

I'm not against any of those moves, but I think the rest of the moves (2 or so) should be offensive if we are to make these ^

Alright, as for the mana regeneration, I can try to experiment a bit.
From LFE main site
I'll try to make him summon an invisible beer and 'drink' the beer while he's in his ice frames. Perhaps it isn't required to make him regenerate the full bar :) I'll get back to you on this, soon.
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

Thanks given by: Marko

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