Poll: Sprite Theme #11: Which is the best sprite?
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Mysterio 1 [Image: j1ig3gzawh.png]
7 8.97%
Mysterio 2 [Image: hitgirl.png]
0 0%
Mysterio 3 [Image: deathlx.png]
6 7.69%
Mysterio 4 [Image: skeletonq.png]
7 8.97%
Mysterio 5 [Image: deathgf.png]
19 24.36%
Mysterio 6 [Image: deathsprite2.png]
0 0%
Mysterio 7 [Image: grimreaperq.png]
2 2.56%
Mysterio 8 [Image: death2x.png]
13 16.67%
Mysterio 9 [Image: deathh.png]
14 17.95%
Mysterio 10 [Image: Deathlf2.jpg]
10 12.82%
Total 78 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

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[sprite contest thread v.2]
Im so sorry guys, i accidentally deleted the thread somehow while tying to edit the poll.
IM SO SORRY!!! luckily, i managed to get back my post, but unfortunately, i lost all your posts. :(

Sprite theme #1 (Click to View)
Sprite contest #1 winners (Click to View)
Sprite theme #2 (Click to View)
Sprite theme #2 winners (Click to View)
Sprite theme #3 (Click to View)
Sprite theme #3 winners (Click to View)
Sprite theme #4 (Click to View)
Sprite theme #4 Winners (Click to View)
Sprite Theme #5 (Click to View)
Sprite theme #5 Winners (Click to View)
Sprite Theme #6 (Click to View)
Sprite theme #6 Winners (Click to View)
Sprite Theme #7 (Click to View)
Sprite Theme #7 Winners (Click to View)
Sprite Theme #8 (Click to View)
Sprite Theme #8 Winners (Click to View)
Sprite Theme #9 (Click to View)
Sprite theme #9 Winners (Click to View)
Sprite Theme #10 (Click to View)
Sprite Theme #10 Winners (Click to View)
Sorry for the long wait :\

Sprite Theme #11

  • Must be a stance or an attacking sprite.
  • One entry per member.
  • Dimensions must no bigger than 158x158, can be animated.
  • Your sprite must be related to the theme.
  • Only has to be one sprite.
  • Recoloured sprites wont be accepted. Also, you cant use an old sprite you already made.
Submit your entries before Sunday October 24th!! (this should be plenty of time)

Your theme is Death
Go about it however you wish.

Right, the submitting system is still in use, so Submit your sprites to me via PM if you want to enter!!

This time, i wont be lenient. So if you post your sprite here, you have to COMPLETELY make a new sprite.

If there is any confusion on how submissions are operating, PM me or simply read the first page under Sprite theme #10 spoiler.

have fun spriting ;D
Thanks given by:
[youtube]hDoRv0z8ekk[/youtube] omg..had to upload as video cause i'm to dumb to get a gif working xD

K, accepted ~ Alectric

edit: just to show that I finally made my first gif : D [Image: johnextransformation.gif]
[Image: 165.gif]
Thanks given by:
holy crap.....i didn't edit mine in time :P
[sarcasim]oh wells it still look nice[/sarcasim] Facepalm
anyways i voted for...
& finally
GAD, ;)

A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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Well, if you're still accepting, considering the circumstances, here's my submission of template turning into Spike. If not, that's fine, nobody's probably gonna vote for it anyway :)
[Image: TemplateEX-4.gif]

In addition to being the EX form of template, it could also stand for Electric Xenogenesis!
Henry David Thoreau Wrote:
Let your life be a counter-friction to stop the machine.
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You forgot my entry!
Mine was in a spoiler "IN!".
[Image: awesomejustin.png]
Please add that!

Sorry, must of missed it. I'm trying to add your entry in now, but because i ended up deleting the last thread while editing the poll, im not sure i'll be able to add you in. Im trying my best though. ~ Alectric

OMg, there are 22 sprites, and a max of 21 options for poll...im sorry. Everyone, if you vote for Taniaetc, please post it here. ~ Alectric
[Image: abstractdaad.png]
Graphic Stuff|Tania|Indo Fighter|Sprites|Comics|
News of my days: My graphics skills will go better. Eventually...
Thanks given by: Alectric
i love Snorsorbet's it just works so flawlessly and keeps with the idea of a hunter but upgraded. Seems very plausible, simple, but cool at the same time.
[Image: 3rdslim.jpg]
[Image: DAslim.jpg]
[Image: Rocky.jpg]
[Image: Clidebanner.jpg]

Thanks given by:
Siegvar, LF2TimmE1, DubbleD and Snorsorbet.

There are other good ones but I choose the ones that I like most, I don't want to vote for like ten spriters.
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(04-16-2010, 12:47 AM)Alectric Wrote:  Could you re-upload your animated entry YinYin?
Thanks given by: Alectric
All of the sprites are amazingly good. I picked the ones that appealed to me most though:

Everyone seems to have their own miniature style, you can tell whose each sprite is without having the name undearneath (this is especially in the case of Betitngoan and Lutichris). It's like a signature. Was an extremely hard decision for whose I liked best, but I made my top 3 in the end anyway. I really like YinYin's, Gad's and Lf2timme1's transforms. They all look really good.

Well done everyone :D.
One day, I shall become, TUTORIAL-MAN: Superhero of writing overly long, overly annoying tutorials which most people probably won't read, but will give it a stab at the first 5 lines!
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only voted for snor. the famous spriters will get enough votes anyway, and snor's one is the best looking imo (even if he didnt remove the red bandana from his leg :D )
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