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Stars system
I want to know how the system of stars work(on members).

I try to find something for this but I didn't found any information about it.

Plz don't move this thread,because I want to make an Improvement.
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Well as far as I know
1 star = 1-24 posts
2 stars = 25-49 posts
3 stars = 50-149 posts
4 stars = 150-?

sumsin like that
Thanks given by: Dominate
Ok,If bashscrazy is right I want to make 2 suggestions:
"regular member" means that he visit regulary our forum.But regular members are some inactive members too.
The same thinkg is for "active members" with "4 stars",they can be without any visit for more then one year.How can we call them "active members"(or "regular members" for them with "3 stars")?!
I think that 3 and 4 stars really need new names.
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Who cares for post-counts, stars and non-custum user titles anyways? ^^
My Creations: (Click to View)

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Barely active, expect slow responses. If at all.

Thanks given by: Apocalipsis , LutiChris , Alectric , snorsorbet
(03-01-2011, 09:56 PM)Alblaka Wrote:  Who cares for post-counts, stars and non-custum user titles anyways? ^^

I am making just a suggestion.Stars exist,so why to let them wrong?
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nobody cares if some member has a 'regular member' rank and doesnt visit regularly... He made 'x' number of posts which gave him the rank, leave the star system as it is no need to make a fuss about some names.
"I'm the president of the shadow government
The grand governor of the federal reserve
Public enemy of the society
The one you cannot see the thirty three degree"
Thanks given by: MH-Razen
i like the stars but i dont have many
[Image: 3rdslim.jpg]
[Image: DAslim.jpg]
[Image: Rocky.jpg]
[Image: Clidebanner.jpg]

Thanks given by: snorsorbet
Postcount, stars, rep and thanks won't removed.

Anyway, I saw somewhen and somewhere a post, which explained the title/star system, but it's probably lost in oblivion by now...if someone feels useful, he can search for it.

Now you totally removed the meaning of my post...and removed isn't even a swear word.

but it does encourage people to swear - Azriel~

Azriel edited this post 03-01-2011 11:40 PM because:
keep it g rated please
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(04-30-2010, 10:51 AM)Blue Phoenix Wrote:  Fine, I'll give you a list of how many posts you need for reaching whatever ye wishest up to the first red star.

Quote:Registered 0

Newcomer 1
Recent Member 25
Regular Member 75
Active Member 150
Helpful Member 250

Experienced Member 375
Unique Member 525
Inspirational Member 700
Outstanding Member 900
Astonishing Member 1125

Incredible Member 1375

Thanks given by: empirefantasy , Divisor
we could replace them with something similar to the official forums if those names are bothering more members

Template 0

Bandit 25
Hunter 75
Jack 150
Mark 250

Sorcerer 375
Jan 525
Monk 700
Justin 900
Knight 1125

Custom Title 1375
Thanks given by: Simoneon , ethanara , LutiChris , Som1Lse , Drahcir

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