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03-05-2016, 06:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-05-2016, 06:39 PM by Bamboori.)
apparently you had a lot of fun describing my death :P
also congratz guys. i really had a lot of fun playing (even if i was totally cornered at the end).
may the most cold-hearted fraction win!
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Finally. Who wants to go for Nave next?
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@ Bamboori
You were good, I still had some doubts before the end of the day.
What made me suspicious of you is that sometimes you acted clueless, but it appeared to me as an act.
Also, you weren't really active, nor completely inactive. It felt like you were "I don't want to post, but if I don't I will look suspicious".
Laughed at the new avatar and title xD
I will post now, just in case I die.
I reread the whole thread (yet again), I found the following posts interesting:
(02-26-2016, 06:39 PM)TheNave Wrote: Nice I got the role I wanted :3
Isn't Godfather your favourite role?
(02-26-2016, 10:06 PM)TheNave Wrote: @Apoc
Depends, I think killing proactive members early is an efficient strategy but it probably comes down to personal preference and who you want to play with... F.e. I wouldn't kill you or ramond first because I want to play with you longer (02-26-2016, 10:07 PM)Bamboori Wrote: apoc and ramond called safe!
This would be a good reasons as to why we are still alive.
On the other hand, if we were to die, people would question why they didn't kill you.
(02-27-2016, 07:10 AM)Bamboori Wrote: so according to nave empirefantasy is the most suspicios one, but is that enough to lynch him?
Contrary to what you may think, I take this as a hint that empirefantasy's citizen.
(02-27-2016, 06:11 PM)TheNave Wrote: Mfc got rng checked by the Cop the first night, that was pretty unlucky for him and has nothing to do with playing bad (02-28-2016, 07:19 PM)Bamboori Wrote: To be fair though he got really unlucky being checked in the first night and didn't have that many options.
let's see if rhino is lucky again this night and we'll be down to only on mafia soon 
Are they publicly defending his partner?
(02-27-2016, 06:56 PM)TheNave Wrote: @mfc
Imo in my opinion you should have counter accused Rhino. You should have claimed to be a citizen and bring up the idea of Rhino beeing Mafia accusing you like this to draw out the actual Cop... I think that would have been a better attempt at defending yourself but that's to late now, just as an advice for feature runs if you run into a similar Situation, getting checked first night by the Cop is really unlucky and there is nothing much you can do once that happened... Accepting defeat and actually confirming mafianess yourself is never the solution, even if you come up with a plan to bring down the Cop with you afterwards it will most likely fail after you admited you're Mafia
Seems like he had a good plan in mind, but mfc did otherwise. It seems to me like he's telling him "Why did you accept you were Mafia?".
(02-27-2016, 07:57 PM)Ramond Wrote: And PS don't bother wasting your check on me. It will result in Citizen.
Maybe it was reverse psychology, and he wanted to be checked.
(02-29-2016, 09:05 AM)TheNave Wrote: having the cop revealed so soon is generally really bad, this way the Doctor is forced to save the Cop each night...
with the Doctor ability wasted on the Cop, mafia can then thin out the citizens by killing random other players
by killing randomly they also have a chance of killing the doctor
doctor will have to consider that possibility and begins to maybe save himself or maybe not
Generally, by randomly killing people the mafia do only have three possible outcomes:
1. Kill a random citizen -> good for mafia
2. Kill the Doctor by chance -> even better for mafia
3. Random citizen they targeted was saved -> that citizen is almost certainly the Doctor -> Doctors identity is good enough for mafia
By targeting the Cop at night they do only have two possible outcomes:
1. Kill Cop because Doc didn't trust him -> really good for mafia
2. Fail the kill and don't get any informations -> really bad for mafia
as you can see, no disadvantages by random killing, also, they'll most likely kill the rather inactive players first as their death will not reveal any informations for the other citizens to analyze
Interesting analysis, considering how the game turned out.
(03-01-2016, 12:06 PM)TheNave Wrote: No hate on the doctor, he was probably scared and didn't expect mafia to go for rhino...
still a bummer, not only did we waste a day round by lynching amadis which revealed close to no information whatsoever, but we also lost the cop without a final result for his check this night
that means we lost an entire day-night cycle without gaining any informations whatsoever to narrow down possible mafias...
"Don't worry Doc, you did what I expected you to do".
(03-01-2016, 12:06 PM)TheNave Wrote: well, whatever you do, even if you lynch me... this is my SAFELIST! Players on that list are extremly unlikely mafia:
- @empirefantasy
- @Jernemies
This is my, "could have tricked me but most likely innocent aswell"-list
- @Darl
- @Ramond
- @Bamboori
And here my, "most likely two out of those three are mafia"-list:
- @Apocalipsis
- @Simoneon
- @LutiChris
If I were to do this kind of lists and I were mafia, I would definitely put my partner in the second or third list.
The ones in the first list would be the ones we would target, thinking Nave would put his partner there for protection.
(03-01-2016, 02:49 PM)TheNave Wrote: @Simoneon
Pretty much meaningless to me, he didn't recieve a check result that night because he died, so his last words are probably just his own opinion and I know that I'm not mafia so atleast I know that they're wrong
I didn't even remember this rule about not getting the checking's result if the Cop dies.
I know he made the rules and sent them to STM, but still.
(03-01-2016, 02:49 PM)TheNave Wrote: @Citizens
Don't you guys think it's strange for Rhino to die this night, in my opinion that was a pretty risky move from the mafia considering the chance he was protected was quite high... Before the night ended it seemed that Rhino did show some trust torwards me so Mafia probably thought he'd check one of the two guys (Luti or Somin) I said were most likely mafia... That means atleast one of those must be a Mafia Goon and they were scared he'd actually get the right one, thus leading to such a risky move and actually targeting him that Night
That just confirms it even more for me atleast LutiChris or Simoneon must be mafia, maybe even both
BUT as it stands now I'm not trusted atall so I'll change me vote to TheNave and hope when my Townieness is confirmed postdeath you'll go for those I suggested even though I won't be there to lead you guys anymore
The way he defends himself is quite different from what I would expect from him (I said so right after he posted).
(03-01-2016, 09:30 PM)empirefantasy Wrote: voting bambori. he feels so free and vote so easy
He voted Bamboori even before I did.
(03-01-2016, 10:36 PM)TheNave Wrote: following that logic alone does not fit you at all Apoc and makes you even more suspicious now, it's like you're desperately trying to find reasons to kill of citizens, even with zero regard for the actions and statements they made in this game so far... for Amadis it was "a hunch" this time it's "probability" but not the good one, the stupid bullsh*t one, this is just not like you when you're usually on town side
you just moved even higher on my list and made me change my vote to Apocalypsis... at this point I wouldn't care who of my three top suspects to lynch today, but seeing bullsh*t logic like that from you just sealed the deal for me
Unreasonable overreaction. It seems to me like he's angry I voted against Bamboori.
(03-02-2016, 11:57 AM)TheNave Wrote: you kidding me right? please look back at how Bamboori voted for mfc without any sign of hesitation... if he was mafia he would atleast waited for some responses of other players before sealing the deal and killing of his own partner
Voting against mfc (or not) at that point, doesn't mean anything. He was confirmed mafia, and he was going to die. Using that excuse to defend Bamboori made no sense to me at the time, and now it looks even more suspicious.
(03-02-2016, 12:57 PM)Bamboori Wrote: If Apoc turns out to be mafia, our next target should be Empirefantasy.
This quote alone makes me think it's highly unlikely that the mafia pair was Bamboori and Empirefantasy.
(03-02-2016, 01:12 PM)TheNave Wrote: @Bamboori
just like Amadis, empirefantasy did miss out some Night-Phases so it's very unlikely for him to be anything other than a citizen
It seems to me that Nave was also quite interested in Night activity, maybe to find Mafias, maybe to find and avoid the Doctor.
(03-03-2016, 02:43 PM)TheNave Wrote: Btw, I failed to see the reason why people are voting for Bamboori now in the first place... I mean, okay, apoc searching for another player to kill of other than him is alright, he's getting voted on afterall... but Ramond is just doing his, "IMMA GONNA PRESSURE HIM! HURR DURR! THERE HE REPLIED! HE MUST BE MAFIA! NOW HE DIDN'T REPLY THAT MEANS HE MUST BE MAFIA ASWELL- OH AND NOW HE'S USING COMMON SENSE TO DEFEND HIMSELF! TOTALLY MAFIA!" and darl didn't even give a proper reason other than he feels having apoc around is more usefull than bamboori, but then he actually agreed with me on bambooris non-mafiaish behaviour which is kinda contradictionary to why he still votes on him (03-03-2016, 03:48 PM)TheNave Wrote: oh nice another stupid reason to vote for bamboori... because he thanked a post... what great evidence of him being mafia!
Mother of rage.
(03-03-2016, 04:11 PM)TheNave Wrote: @A-Man
Stm93 Wrote:[17:07] <Stm93> i am a little annoyed that A-Man is participating even if he's just there to correct people's math, but eh.
This is weak, but if Nave's mafia, he could just inform STM while talking privately, no need for PMs and night activity.
I know Ramond didn't ask for PMs if Mafias informed him privately. Maybe STM can confirm if he does the same.
I didn't quote anything from Jernemies or Darl. What I quoted regarding empirefantasy was possitive for him.
I didn't quote posts about most votings, but Darl, Ramond and empirefantasy voted against Bamboori and made lynching him possible (empirefantasy then changed his vote).
Suspicious players in descending order: Nave > Ramond/Jernemies > Empirefantasy/Darl.
If you're wondering why I put Ramond along with Jernemies, and not along Darl and Empirefantasy, it's because I think he would lynch Bamboori as a last resource, if he were to be his Mafia partner. I don't think Darl and Empirefantasy would do the same, but I'm being subjective here.
I would definitely vote against Nave.
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Alrighty, yeah I expect you to lynch me next day, that's fine though, Town can still win with one more lynch wasted on a citizen and I do admit I defended bamboori the day before because I thought apoc was more likely to be mafia, looks like I was wrong in the end
also, I doubt I'll die this night because obviously the remaining mafia wants to keep me alive to get me lynched next day, nevertheless I'll go for Jernemies with my final vote
The list I did last day said the only possible partner to Bamboori would be Jernemies, with the assumption mafia never voted for eachother... and I DO think that mafia would only vote for eachother as a last resort strategy... so I doubt it actually happened prior to this day because bamboori was never pressured that hard before, so in my opinion my list should still be correct:
TheNave Wrote:Apocalipsis - Darl
Bamboori - Jernemies
Jernemies - Bamboori, Darl, Ramond
Ramond - Darl, Jernemies
Darl - Apocalipsis, Jernemies, Ramond
of course this list also assumes I'm citizen and since you guys don't belive me on that one I won't blame you for lynching me next day, but promise me to go for Jernemies after that!
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Classic Mafia - Day 5
Alas, poor Godfather. Not only had he lost his best henchmen, he had also lost his two godsons; for he was both a criminal mastermind and an actual loving godfather to his goons.
He could not retrieve the corpses, so he thought to give them a fitting cremation. Torch in hand, he attempted to engulf the town in a sea of flames.
However, he did not anticipate a townsfolk in patrol. A projectile flew by and knocked the torch out of his hand, away from the town. The Godfather howled in agony as an athletic figure came running by.
Foiled yet again by these town scum, the Godfather became ever more enraged. The figure approached with a flying kick, but he was grabbed by the leg and pulled down to the ground for a brutal beatdown.
The commotion awoke the town before any further destruction could be caused. The Godfather was forced to leave behind only a bloody pulpy mess of scattered brain matter next to a soccer ball.
(click picture for bgm)
empirefantasy, a Town Citizen, has been brutally murdered today.
Town/Mafia Ratio is 4: 1
1. AmadisLFE - Citizen (tripped on his own sword in Day 2)
2. Apocalipsis
3. Bamboori - Mafia Goon (actually lynched in Day 4)
4. CosmicSarasa - Citizen (hugged by Mafia in Night 1)
5. Darl
6. empirefantasy - Citizen (beaten to death by Mafia in Night 4)
7. Jernemies
8. LutiChris - Citizen (boiled for frog leg soup in Day 3)
9. mfc - Mafia Goon (ravaged by Town's cat mascot in Day 1)
10. Ramond
11. Rhino.Freak - Town Cop (harpooned by Mafia in Night 2)
12. Simoneon - Citizen (blasted by Mafia in Night 3)
13. TheNave
14. T.O.R.N.A.D.O - Citizen (stabbed by Mafia in Night 0)
- Public Discussion on this thread is allowed both Day & Night.
- Town players are NOT allowed to privately converse with any other player. All discussions must take place in the thread.
- Mafia players are allowed to privately converse with each other as long as they are alive, and ONLY with each other.
- Dead players cannot discuss with other players who are still participating. They are of course, free to privately speak to other dead players.
- Please do NOT delete your own posts. It is not fair for only moderators to be able to see them.
- Avoid editing posts to contain completely different information from the original. Players are encouraged to quote the player they are replying to.
- Do NOT post screenshots or quote messages that are supposedly from the Game Master.
- Breaking any of these rules will result in an individual punishment that usually ends up being really bad for the faction of the player that cheated.
- The Game Master can force a deadline if a phase is taking too long to end.
- The Game Master's word is final.
Day phase has begun!
Please remember to bold the name of the person you wish to lynch in the day. Makes things a lot easier.
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03-06-2016, 03:46 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-06-2016, 03:56 AM by Darl.
Edit Reason: Voting
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Beating around the bush... Nave.
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03-06-2016, 08:06 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-06-2016, 09:19 AM by TheNave.)
EDIT: Oh welp, why am I even trying... you got me guys, gg
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Nave. Also why is Ramond second most suspicious. I have been the most consistent player this round eva.
03:28 [BluePhoenix] sleep is for weakling.
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03-06-2016, 11:28 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-06-2016, 11:32 AM by TheNave.)
@ STM1993
You can cut this Round short, I'm commiting ingame suicide
I'm hanging myself at the public execution place and my last words shall be: "What a twiiiist!"
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