Yay - thanks to the server shutdown...
LFE is Online Again
I got alot of things done within those 2 days for LutiChris, including new Face!!!
Here are new and updates sprites...
http://f.imagehost.org/download/0852/LutiChris (<<<<lol i always use Imagehost for everything
Yay ~ finally finnished hurt frames... 
This was an idea i had for the >>J+turn around+A
Since most character don't attack while performing this move i desided to make this for fun...
Something about this looks wrong to me, please comment on things i need to fix
Here is what i think i need to improve on:
Tongue and Open/Close Hands
It finally took me only 2 days when i first got the sprite sheets Bamboori posted and yesterday
Please comment, ignore the skinney legs, body or arms...
So what do you guys think?
LFE is Online Again
I got alot of things done within those 2 days for LutiChris, including new Face!!!
Here are new and updates sprites...
http://f.imagehost.org/download/0852/LutiChris (<<<<lol i always use Imagehost for everything

Hurt Frames (Click to View)

Taunt Frames (Click to View)
Since most character don't attack while performing this move i desided to make this for fun...
Something about this looks wrong to me, please comment on things i need to fix
Here is what i think i need to improve on:
Tongue and Open/Close Hands
Upper-Cut (Click to View)
Please comment, ignore the skinney legs, body or arms...
Faces (Click to View)
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality