State: 18 has a special effect - the itr, noted in the corresponding frames, can hit yourself or your teammates. So you can add yourself live points or fusion with a team member.
The bad thing is that “burning_smoke” appears, because state: 18 is used for fire-attacks. To avoid this there’re two possibilities:
1. You edit the broken_weapon.dat so the Burning Smoke is completely hidden in the game and disappear immideatly after he appeared.
2. You replace the first Burning Smoke Frame with a new one, where the smoke is hidden. In this frame you note a itr/kind: 8 at y: 50000 which lead to frame 101 with dvx (where the smoke is automatically deleted). When there’s a type0-bdy at this high the itr/kind 8 is activated and the smoke is deleted. If there’s no bdy next leads to the smoke frames. In the game the smoke just appears one TU later – and nobody will realise this…
Here’s a study example (you can use both broken_weapon files for your own projects as long as you give credits):
Selfhit |
Inspired by MH-Razen