State 8000 - Transform
With state: 8000, you can transform one character into another. There is another transform state, but it only works with id-numbers 6 and 50: the transformation of Louis to LouisEX (see state: 9995 in extra states). Here is some basic info about transforming:
Use state: 8000 + id-number of the object you want to transform into (ex: state: 8030 to transform into id: 30).
When you transform, the computer takes a frame's pic-number, adds 140 to it, and uses that pic instead. Because of this, you usually have to change the way the character's spritesheets are defined in the bmp_header at the beginning of each character. If you select the character from the menu, they'll use their normal sprites, but if you transform into him, they'll use the pic-number + 140 sprites.
The computer calculates the number of pics using the product of the "row" and "col" parts of the file tag, so sometimes you'll have to "waste" pic-numbers to guarantee that the transformed character will use the proper sprites.
In the bmp part, you have to remember that you are limited to 10 picture files!
If a character has more than 140 pictures, you have to use pic 0 to 139 for the first 140 pictures and 280 to 419 for the following pictures.
Technical note
This transformation will cause the character to go to frame 0 when id is changed.
The character will try to use pic number with +140 offset. Transforming into Knight will try to use +140 offset sprites which normally will glitch display as the knight_b sprites are offset by +114. STM1993 found a workaround to this, available here.