Forum Announcement: [Tutorial] Do you want to create a character
Hello, if you're reading this, you might be a guy (girl, less likely) who wants to create a character in lf2 engine, and you don't know how to start... poor thing.

But do not fear! I will guide you through the 'deep forest' of datachanging, also known as character creating.

So first you have to start with a datachanger. Download it from here - (thanks to Azriel), then after a few moments of installation, and looking at the program, open a data file of a random character, who you can find in /data folder. Those files will have an ending .dat
Lets see what you can change there.
Made all of these things? Are you still interested? :3

STILL INTERESTED IN DATACHANGING? Awesome, we have a new, and probably nice datachanger in LFE ;D

I hope you enjoy staying in LFE. Don't forget to check out this: