Hi guys, new to the forum and i have a question i can't solve on my own and i can't find the answer here (I did go through quite a few threads, but if the question's already been asked and i missed it, i apologize in advance

I'm trying to create an ice ball that doesn't fly; just stay in wherever it's casted, destroy itself on hit, and dissipate itself overtime. I got all that to work, but the thing is, player can make it go up or down when casting (just like shooting normal balls). I'm currently using state:3000. I tried some other states but it doesn't behave quite correctly. I think the closest thing to my ball is firzen's ball and bat's laser, which can only shoot straight. But they also use state 3000. So im stuck. Any ideas? Thanks!
That Firzen's ball and Bat's laser can only be cast straight is id-hardcoded, I believe.
In the frames of your ice ball (especially the first frame it's being created in), try using hit_j: 50. hit_j controls movement on the z-axis for type 3 objects, and 50 is the value for no z movement.
Welcome to LFE btw!
(01-17-2014, 10:22 AM)Ramond Wrote: [ -> ]That Firzen's ball and Bat's laser can only be cast straight is id-hardcoded, I believe.
In the frames of your ice ball (especially the first frame it's being created in), try using hit_j: 50. hit_j controls movement on the z-axis for type 3 objects, and 50 is the value for no z movement.
Welcome to LFE btw!
Thanks! I'll prolly be posting more questions in the future if that's ok
Hmm... It isn't working. I can still move it up or down. I put hit_j: 50 in my first 5 frames of ice ball. Here's the first 3:
<frame> 210 flying
pic: 0 state: 3000 wait: 2 next: 211 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 dvz: 0 centerx: 40 centery: 41 hit_a: 0 hit_d: 0 hit_j: 50
kind: 0 x: 22 y: 27 w: 55 h: 27 dvx: 7 fall: 20 vrest: 10 bdefend: 16 injury: 45
effect: 3
kind: 0 x: 22 y: 27 w: 55 h: 27
<frame> 211 flying
pic: 1 state: 3000 wait: 2 next: 212 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 dvz: 0 centerx: 40 centery: 41 hit_a: 0 hit_d: 0 hit_j: 50
kind: 0 x: 22 y: 27 w: 55 h: 27 dvx: 7 fall: 20 vrest: 10 bdefend: 16 injury: 45
effect: 3
kind: 0 x: 22 y: 27 w: 55 h: 27
<frame> 212 flying
pic: 2 state: 3000 wait: 2 next: 213 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 dvz: 0 centerx: 40 centery: 41 hit_a: 0 hit_d: 0 hit_j: 50
kind: 0 x: 22 y: 27 w: 55 h: 27 dvx: 7 fall: 20 vrest: 10 bdefend: 16 injury: 45
effect: 3
kind: 0 x: 22 y: 27 w: 55 h: 27
Maybe something else I'm doing wrong?
(01-17-2014, 10:22 AM)Ramond Wrote: [ -> ]In the frames of your ice ball (especially the first frame it's being created in), try using hit_j: 50. hit_j controls movement on the z-axis for type 3 objects, and 50 is the value for no z movement.
hit_j: doesn't work, as can be seen with Davis balls.
Instead dvz: 550 works, if I recall correctly.
(01-17-2014, 11:52 AM)Someone else Wrote: [ -> ] (01-17-2014, 10:22 AM)Ramond Wrote: [ -> ]In the frames of your ice ball (especially the first frame it's being created in), try using hit_j: 50. hit_j controls movement on the z-axis for type 3 objects, and 50 is the value for no z movement.
hit_j: doesn't work, as can be seen with Davis balls.
Instead dvz: 550 works, if I recall correctly.
Thanks for the reply, but no luck. I can still move it up and down. Do i need to put it in every frame? coz I just put it in the first few and didn't work.
dvz: 550 definitely works. Show us your opoint and the first frame, inside dc tags please:
awesome stuff really
opoint: oid: 210 action: 125
<frame> 125 things
dvz: 550
(01-17-2014, 12:22 PM)YinYin Wrote: [ -> ]dvz: 550 definitely works. Show us your opoint and the first frame, inside dc tags please:
awesome stuff really
opoint: oid: 210 action: 125
<frame> 125 things
dvz: 550
Aww, n/m! I accidentally put the dvz: 550 under itr. It works now, One thing i notice though, is that it'll still moves slightly and then stop. But making the first frame wait:0 solved that. Thanks guys.