Forum Awards
To earn a Forum Award, you must show the rest of the community your capabilities in whatever aspect the award is given for.

VIP Member - (Usually senior) members that have helped LFE a lot, most often by moderating the forums. This is usually tied to access to the VIP-forum; the back-stage of LFE.

Helpful Member - Users that have proved that they are helping others often will get this award. Helping in this case means, to solve other people's problems, regardless of the area (DCing, spriting, or anything else).

LFE-Helper - People that help maintaining Little Fighter Empire (the mainsite as well as the forums) will eventually receive this award. The core-difference between this and VIP Member is that it this award can only be earned by actually showing involvement into any aspects LFE has to offer (writing character descriptions, keeping links up-to-date, etc.).

Advanced DCer - People that are very familiar with the data of LF2 and use very complicated methods to realize their ideas receive this award. At the same time, helping newcomers in this business is a big plus.

Artist - People with this award work on a very high standard relating to graphics. Same as with Advanced DCers: showing community-involvement can boost chances on receiving this award.

Hex Master - Skilled members that work on the exe, either by manipulating it with a hex-editor or by debugging it.

Fighter - Very good LF2-players, people with extraordinary fighting skills, receive this award.

Author - Story writers, members that invest a lot of time in creating written works, get an author-award. Similar to Advanced DCers and Artists, being helpful might pay off.

Member of the Month - A special award that is given on the first of each month to somebody who has shown outstanding achievements in the LF2-community. Administrators ultimatively appoint these people but they do take suggestions from other members. For a listing of all members that have received this award, check out the respective page here.

Administrators decide to whom they assign awards. Requests are generally not answered.