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The LF2 Killing Game - Printable Version

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RE: The LF2 Killing Game - vktewari - 10-02-2008

I use my hurricane kick to blow away the hammer and it turns into an iron powder. Then I use my Black Shadow Storm Cyclone Hurricane Thunder Punch on Drahcir and he goes flying out of the Universe. I reuse the B.S.S.C.H.T. punch on the next poster to make him explode.

RE: The LF2 Killing Game - Drahcir - 10-02-2008

I slice off vtkewari's hand as he attempts to punch me and get back into my starfighter, calling on my legion. We drop bombs everywhere, with 5 landing, one after another, smack on vtkewari's head. Oh, and the next poster is caught in the middle of the explosion.

RE: The LF2 Killing Game - SirFrog - 10-02-2008

Once again, it´s my afterimage being stuck in the explosion. The real me is drawing stupid smilies on the forehead of Drahcir.

RE: The LF2 Killing Game - Handertaker - 10-02-2008

i kill you all with soul bomb.

RE: The LF2 Killing Game - SirFrog - 10-02-2008

Well, i press F7 and respawn, but all others have got full health now. So i draw "Me am ugli" on Handertakers forehead.

RE: The LF2 Killing Game - Drahcir - 10-03-2008

I'm too high to be killed with a soul bomb, so my whole legion starts rapid-firing lasers at the next poster to attack me.

RE: The LF2 Killing Game - SirFrog - 10-03-2008

Then i catch the l4z0r beams and use them to create a neat light show.

RE: The LF2 Killing Game - Drahcir - 10-03-2008

...which is wrecked by a bomb that also hits the next poster.

RE: The LF2 Killing Game - Hypermodder - 10-03-2008

I join, so blink up at first.
The bomb goes trought me without doing any dmg!

RE: The LF2 Killing Game - SirFrog - 10-04-2008

Then, i trow a rotten tomato at Hypermodder.
un-serious fighting ftw!