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LFE Chronicles- Clash of the Empires - Printable Version

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RE: LFE Chronicles- Clash of the Empires - bashscrazy - 03-11-2011

(03-10-2011, 05:16 PM)Bamboori Wrote:  gotta love that chapter^^
now some animating genius needs to make a series out of this :P

I animate :D
but I suck and don't have time for it :'(

RE: LFE Chronicles- Clash of the Empires - Divisor - 03-11-2011

A comic would be nice too.

RE: LFE Chronicles- Clash of the Empires - oliveryungo - 03-11-2011

The thing is that I don't know how to portray the characters, noticed I haven't gone into describing what they look like? After all an egg wouldnt exactly do everything bamboori could do physically, like swing a sword, etc. I tried thinking about it but in the end I gave up :/

yeah, but facial expressions (a face on egg would be to say the least horrifically scary) and whatnot...
also the humor would be harder to convey D=

RE: LFE Chronicles- Clash of the Empires - Divisor - 03-11-2011

He could control the sword telephatically, like Force or something.

RE: LFE Chronicles- Clash of the Empires - Bamboori - 03-11-2011

actually im not quite sure how to portrait myself either Oo
cause actually i see myself as... well, just myself, with eggyfied powers :P

RE: LFE Chronicles- Clash of the Empires - fire power - 03-11-2011

(03-11-2011, 02:02 AM)bashscrazy Wrote:  
(03-10-2011, 05:16 PM)Bamboori Wrote:  gotta love that chapter^^
now some animating genius needs to make a series out of this :P

I animate :D
but I suck and don't have time for it :'(

Wow thanks a lot. :(:(
You make us think someone is going to make a movie hoooray ... Oh ... wait
... Aw come on man That is just cruel (just joking)

RE: LFE Chronicles- Clash of the Empires - Alectric - 03-31-2011

When does the next chapter come out?
You dont need to give exact dates, just a rough estimate shall be enough to quench by thirst OF BOT AND EGG AND MODERATOR BLOOD AND AWESOME STORIES.
No pressure!


RE: LFE Chronicles- Clash of the Empires - oliveryungo - 03-31-2011

What a coincidence, my exams just finished =D =D =D
part seven out!!! OMG ITS TEH KOALA IN ACSHUN!!

how dare you people read without commenting >: (

RE: LFE Chronicles- Clash of the Empires - Azriel - 04-02-2011

iLike. esp at the part about reputation :p
someone make a comic/animation out of the whole story and it'll be even more epic


RE: LFE Chronicles- Clash of the Empires - Bamboori - 04-02-2011

haha, love the part with blow and his eucalyptus smell :D

DOOOOOOM ~ Alectric