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data changing of davis
i want to make some frames for davis:

1.After hitting attack jump and defecne together
Davis will run to catch a guy
2.After catching the guy,davis will hit him ten punches automatically

Please tell me how to make that frames
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by "attack jump defense" you mean DJA or AJD or what order?
You might want to look at section itr kind 3 on the main site for the answer ;)
Good luck ;)
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(07-28-2010, 03:49 PM)jf8429 Wrote:  1.After hitting attack jump and defecne together
Davis will run to catch a guy
DJA? I guess so.
Here's an study example (made by me). After hitting DJA he starts to run (stops when press D) and catches an enemy, then perform his DvA. Just edit it how you want to.

Attached Files
.dat   davis.dat (Size: 83.97 KB / Downloads: 61)
The answer to life, universe and everything (no, not 42) (Click to View)
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The attack you want to do is similar to the catching move Louis has. So open the data file of Louis. There you will find these frames:
<frame> 275 r-catch
   pic: 160  state: 9  wait: 3  next: 276  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 43  centery: 79  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 mp: 100
      kind: 1  x: 48  y: 49  weaponact: 26  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0 
      kind: 0  x: 25  y: 12  w: 47  h: 68
<frame> 276 r-catch
   pic: 161  state: 9  wait: 2  next: 277  dvx: 8  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 43  centery: 79  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
  sound: data\003.wav 
      kind: 1  x: 48  y: 49  weaponact: 26  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0 
      kind: 3  x: 21  y: 34  w: 40  h: 28  vrest: 7  
      catchingact: 279 279  caughtact: 132 132  
      kind: 0  x: 26  y: 10  w: 45  h: 72
<frame> 277 r-catch
   pic: 162  state: 9  wait: 2  next: 278  dvx: 8  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 43  centery: 79  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
  sound: data\004.wav 
      kind: 1  x: 48  y: 49  weaponact: 26  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0 
      kind: 3  x: 21  y: 29  w: 43  h: 30  vrest: 7  
      catchingact: 279 279  caughtact: 132 132  
      kind: 0  x: 28  y: 12  w: 48  h: 65
<frame> 278 r-catch
   pic: 161  state: 9  wait: 3  next: 999  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 43  centery: 79  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 mp: 100
      kind: 1  x: 48  y: 49  weaponact: 26  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0 
      kind: 3  x: 21  y: 29  w: 43  h: 30  vrest: 7  
      catchingact: 279 279  caughtact: 132 132  
      kind: 0  x: 25  y: 12  w: 47  h: 68

Copy it into Davis .dat file. However, Davis already has a frame 275. That's why you will have to change the frame numbers and the next: values. I just change every frame 2xx to 3xx, that's probably the easiest way.
Now you also have to change the pic: numbers to give Davis the right pictures.
Now you have to add a hit_ja: 275 to all standing walking and defending frames.
But how does the attack work? The dvx: 8 in frame 276 and 277 makes Davis/Louis go forward. An itr(interaction) with kind 3 makes a character catch another one. Caughtact determines into which frames the caught character comes, this one shouldn't be changed. Catchingact: dtermines into which frames Davis comes when he has catched the other character, in this case it's frame 279.
In that frame you can start the punching combo. Important here is that every frame needs a c-point like this:

kind: 1 x: 66 y: 59
injury: -20 cover: 11 vaction: 136 throwvz: -842150451 throwinjury: -842150451

Without, Davis would stop catching the other character and let him fall down.
I hope it's more or less clear? If you have problems making the frames for the combo, you can copy the many_punch frames of Davis (again, change frame number and next:), add a c-point in every of the frames and play around a bit with injury: and dvx: etc.
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Basically, if Reapers explanation wasn't enough (which I'm sure it is).. I'm going to sell one of Marshall's tutorials for him (YES WAY! For once Marshall isn't doing it himself!)

How to add moves:

Hope this helps


Marshall edited this post 07-29-2010 04:57 PM because:
One day, I shall become, TUTORIAL-MAN: Superhero of writing overly long, overly annoying tutorials which most people probably won't read, but will give it a stab at the first 5 lines!
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