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FPS Changer on Network Game
I've tried playing with two computers connected through the internet. Both players open FPS Changer and change the FPS at the same time. The game still run, but the one who connects to the opponent (instead of waiting for opponent) gets more lag. Besides, if there is a 1-2 seconds lag, the game will not stop, but both screens seems paused and after the lag the game runs in F5 mode until it catches up the point where it should be without the lag (i hope you understand... i don't know how to simplify my sentences anymore ;p ).

Well... I posted because someone told me an error will occur (FD_CLOSE) if we open the FPS Changer in a network game.
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Seems to me, that the answer you are looking for would probably be this: Only ONE of you should change the FPS. And that'd be the host. It's hard to connect to someone who's lagging, it's harder to connect when your self induced lagg has to be added on to this.
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Uhhhh, so you can change FPS with FPS changer in network game and actually force it to be faster?

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FSP changer don't make the game faster in online game.
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I've experienced that with Ramond multiple times. At first, the game's awkwardly slow (1-2 fps), then, all of a sudden, things speed up dramatically where things catch up to where they would be without super-lag. Looks quite funny in the replays when there are phases where we get beaten up by a horde of bandits :p
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
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I was going to play Survival Mode with a friend but the speed is too high (nearly 30 fps) so I used FPS changer to slow it down LOL not speed it up. With proper connection it is possible to play, but the one to connect gets much more lag, while the host runs pretty the normal way except that there's what said by blue phoenix every once in a while. I had pretty good connection with my friend tho, so the lags always are under 2 secs, and it occurs about only once every minute. If set to very low FPS (10 or under) 1-2 secs lag is no prob :P .

I'm not sure if the host must be the one to use FPS changer. We both opened it and set to the same FPS at the same time (not accurately the same time tho)
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