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[solved] Edit upon Edit: Weird prob fixed - [Solved]
Hi. I'm havin' massive trouble with this character I'm workin' on and I can't find out what the problem is. I've looked through like, every DCing tutorial known to man. I can understand it glithin' up a bit due to it bein' my first character, but it's glithin' TERRibly! :(

Can someone please help me out some to figure out what I'm doin' wrong if you have some free time? I can send the stuff to you. Thanks in advance!

Edit: Oh yeah, hehe, sorry. Here's the download and I put the glitches in it's ReadMe.

Double Edit: Ok, I've figured out what one of my problems is, it was what frame number I put for them. Example: I didn't know the punches wouldn't work if you didn't start them at frame 60. xD Whoops!

But now, instead of becoming invisible, whenever you do something like, walk or attack, it appears diagonally foward/below where I actually am. I'm like, "What the...??? o.0"

It still flashes n' stuff like I said in the ReadMe, so I left the ReadMe alone. But I updated the download with the slightly less glitchy character, lol. I think the main problem is that my dvx, centery, centerx, etc values are all jacked up n' I can't seem to fix em'. :(

Attached Files
.rar   Lori & Zim.rar (Size: 262.49 KB / Downloads: 64)
Luke means "Light of the Sacred Flame" in Ancient Ispanian.
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1whats your problem

2Why dont you post your char here as attachment,then somebody can see your problem?
Troll mode activated TwistedDemonEvil
Thanks given by: Electric2Shock
That is because of the center x and center y. they are all wrong exept for the standing.
and wrong next values.
U need to look at some already made characters.
And use visual frame maker for the center x, center y ,body's and ltr's.
(07-08-2011, 08:04 AM)LukefonFabre4 Wrote:  Hi. I'm havin' massive trouble with this character I'm workin' on and I can't find out what the problem is. I've looked through like, every DCing tutorial known to man. I can understand it glithin' up a bit due to it bein' my first character, but it's glithin' TERRibly! :(

Can someone please help me out some to figure out what I'm doin' wrong if you have some free time? I can send the stuff to you. Thanks in advance!

Edit: Oh yeah, hehe, sorry. Here's the download and I put the glitches in it's ReadMe.

Double Edit: Ok, I've figured out what one of my problems is, it was what frame number I put for them. Example: I didn't know the punches wouldn't work if you didn't start them at frame 60. xD Whoops!

But now, instead of becoming invisible, whenever you do something like, walk or attack, it appears diagonally foward/below where I actually am. I'm like, "What the...??? o.0"

It still flashes n' stuff like I said in the ReadMe, so I left the ReadMe alone. But I updated the download with the slightly less glitchy character, lol. I think the main problem is that my dvx, centery, centerx, etc values are all jacked up n' I can't seem to fix em'. :(

I fixed it.
Compare between this and the older one.
you will understand what was wrong with it.
I attached azriel visual frame maker with it.
Don't worry you will learn. I used to make these kind of mistakes a month ago.
but I learned.
If U have any questions to ask then ask.

Edit: I didn't fix the ltr and bdy.
so the character won't be attacked, nor his attacks will hit.
U can fix them with azriel frame maker.

Attached Files
.rar   Lori & Zim (modified).rar (Size: 281.94 KB / Downloads: 59)
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Thanks given by: LukefonFabre4
Thanks a bunch man! :D Now I understand next a little better. I was using bandit's .dat to see what frame # they had to be n' stuff, but I was still havin' problems. But now, thanks to you, I have a lot less problems, hehe. Once I figure out the itr n' body stuff, I might move a beta of it over the the projects page. Thread SOLVED. ;)
Luke means "Light of the Sacred Flame" in Ancient Ispanian.
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I'll just use this thread since the problem pertains to this char still, if you don't mind. ;)

I know that I'm missing somethin' extrEMEly easy, but when I do my Lori..._wind attack and my Lori..._col attack, the itr's and bdy's work perfectly fine. :D But the sprites for the attacks won't even begin to show up. :'( I've spent hours checking EVerything. I even tried seein' if the problem was with the bmp's size or something, I also tried many of the possibilities for the pic #'s. I really don't understand how the game reads the pics, like I know how it does for the char its-self, it goes like;
Lori..._0 file(0-31) row: 8 col: 4
Lori..._1 file (32-41) row: 5 col: 2
and etc...
But I just don't understand in what order it reads balls and attacks like that cause I noticed for some chars, their 1st attack will be like from (8-12) while their 2nd attack will be (0-7) or somethin' like that. I can't figure it out, does it just # them at random or something, or can you control what # it gives them?

Let me know what I should show you guys so you can check it out if you want. Thanksez!
Luke means "Light of the Sacred Flame" in Ancient Ispanian.
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When your char casts the _wind/_col attack, is the action number right?
Go check your char's data, and go to the part where he casts the attack (the frame with oid: ) and check if the action number is wrong, example from Davis.dat from casting the ball:
Quote: opoint:
kind: 1 x: 90 y: 43 action: 0 dvx: 0 dvy: 0 oid: 207 facing: 0
If the action number is different from the ball's starting frame number, the pics won't show up or atleast all of them won't show up.
Example from Davis_ball.dat:
Quote:<frame> 0 flying
pic: 0 state: 3000 wait: 1 next: 1 dvx: 4 dvy: 0 centerx: 56 centery: 24 hit_a: 0 hit_d: 0 hit_j: 0
kind: 0 x: 26 y: 12 w: 45 h: 24 dvx: 7 fall: 20 arest: 6 bdefend: 10 injury: 30
kind: 0 x: 26 y: 12 w: 45 h: 24
The action: 0 number from Davis.dat leads to oid: 207's (Davis_ball) frame with number 0.
Hope this clears smthing D: it's hard to explain DCing.
Might be back, might be not :^) anyways awesome to see you guys again!
Thanks given by: LukefonFabre4
Thanks for the awesomely quick reply. :D

But I checked the action for them, it's correct, and I changed the oid's of them, but I made sure they matched, so that can't be it. Hmm..

Edit: Oh, and I got the _wind attack to show the sprite when I used henry's wind sprite a while ago, but it's looks didn't suit her, especially bein' so small, so I made a bigger, different color wind sprite and tried to use it and it won't show. Hmm, do I maybe have it's size off for the w: h: on the bmp part of the data file? Man, I'm stumped lol! xD

EDIT: NEVERMIND! I found the problem. I didn't know that the pic count (x-y) starts over for each .dat file you make. ^_^'
Now I know that my Lori..._ball.dat uses _ball.bmp file pics (0-7) and since my Lori..._col.dat is a separate .dat file, the file pics start back at (0-3), hehe.
Luke means "Light of the Sacred Flame" in Ancient Ispanian.
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