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Itr/kind 8 question
      kind: 8  x: 57  y: 38  w: 31  h: 13  dvx: 265 

dvx is frame number where goes character when hit something, right?
Then how make dvx who transfers hitted enemy to frames dvx:xxx?
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itr kind 3 instead of 8 maybe?
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Character swap places with hitted enemy :/
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which is awesome


i was basically talking about a catching itr (and a cpoint if you want - to better control the whole thing)
because if i understood you correctly you want the enemy to go to a certain frame he does not go to with normal hitting (injured/falling/fire/ice etc)

the kind 8 itr can only contol the object that has it - not the one hit by it
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Let me explain more:

I want make special attack who after hit transport hitted enemy to xxx frame (electrocution, something like hit by ice or fire), but without caughing and cpoints

And I would like to make object who after hit by special itr goes to xxx frame, witout state 3000 itr: y: -1111 etc
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(08-17-2011, 01:55 PM)Mantou Wrote:  I want make special attack who after hit transport hitted enemy to xxx frame (electrocution, something like hit by ice or fire), but without caughing and cpoints
if you don't want use cpoint you require someone to edit your lf2.exe
new itr effects have been made before - look it up
(08-17-2011, 01:55 PM)Mantou Wrote:  And I would like to make object who after hit by special itr goes to xxx frame, witout state 3000 itr: y: -1111 etc
if you dont want to use these techniques you can still use an object with id 300
there you can use a bdy kind 1xxx - where xxx is the frame it will go to when that bdy is hit (the hitting itr needs to be either a character object or rudolfs/hernys weapon - to make it "special" you will require bdy and itr to meet up on a different height = y: -1111 for example)
Thanks given by: mfc , nehalbordoloi

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