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[FAQ] Tournament System
How does the Tournament System work?
What's the difference between private and official Tournaments?
Points / Pointcount
Calculation of Matchpoints
Calculation of Extrapoints
Calculation of Teampoints (2vs2)
Ranks / Skill Level
Unfought Matches / Penalty Points / Quitter-Rank
How are the winners of preliminary rounds / battles appointed?
Information about 1vs1 Matches


How does the Tournament System work?
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  • Our Tournament System is based on Points, Awards and Ranks.
  • You gain points with every fight you win and with winning Tournaments, you get cups for top-places in Tournaments and if you have enough of both your Rank / Skill goes up.

What's the difference between private and official Tournaments?
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  • There's no difference, it's only that private persons can organise them compleatly.
  • Only Tournaments with a maximum of 16 players can be organised by private persons, if you plan to organise larger Tournaments contact me.

Points / Pointcount
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  • For every match you won you get one point (Matchpoints, mp)
  • For every Tournament you won you get points (Extrapoints, ep)
  • For not using any mp or not losing and hp in a fight you win you get +1 point each (Fightpoints, fp)
    (you should notify if there was a fight with 0-usage or I may oversight this, if yes and the points and awards are submitted - bad luck
  • For every Team-Tournament you get points (Teampoints, tp)
  • For organising Private Tournaments you get points (Organising Points, op) (up to 8 players: 5 points, up to 16 players: 10 points)
  • Points are calculated at the end of a tournament.

Calculation of Matchpoints
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MH-Razen Wrote:Example: 8 Man Tournament:
Round 1:
P1 vs P2 - 3 : 0
P3 vs P4 - 2 : 3
P5 vs P6 - 3 : 1
P7 vs P8 - 2 : 3

Round 2:
P1 vs P4 - 3 : 1
P5 vs P8 - 2 : 3

Round 3:
P1 vs P8 - 3 : 0

P1: 3 points
P2: ---
P3: ---
P4: 1 point
P5: 1 point
P6: ---
P7: ---
P8: 2 points
(this is additional to Extrapoints, may look like nothing, but it's more effective in larger Tournaments with preliminary rounds)

Calculation of Extrapoints
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MH-Razen Wrote:Every Tournament Participant bring in points.
Newbie -> +1 point
Beginner -> +2 points
Versed -> +3 points
Approved -> +4 points
Average -> +5 points
Expert -> +6 points
Elite -> +7 points
Master -> +8 points
Legendary -> +9 points
Godlike -> +10 points

15 players in Tournament
-> 5 Newbies
-> 4 Beginner
-> 3 Versed
-> 1 Approved
-> 2 Average
(5x1+4x2+3x3+1x4+2x5)x2=72 points

3/8 of the all participants get points
(15 / 8) * 3 = 5.625 -> 6 players get points
(from 3.50 to 4.49, four players get points, if it's not decided who's player
no.x with a tournament then the decision is made like in preliminary rounds)

1st: 72 x 0.5 = 36 points
2nd: 72 x 0.25 = 18 points
3rd: 72 x 0.125 = 9 points
4th: 72 x 0.0625 = 5 points (4.5)
5th: 72 x 0.03125 = 3 points (2.25)
6th: 72 x 0.015625 = 2 points (1.125)
(from 3.01 to 4.0 you get four points)

Calculation of Teampoints (2vs2)
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MH-Razen Wrote:Every Tournament Participant bring in points.
Newbie -> +1 point
Beginner -> +2 points
Versed -> +3 points
Approved -> +4 points
Average -> +5 points
Expert -> +6 points
Elite -> +7 points
Master -> +8 points
Legendary -> +9 points
Godlike -> +10 points

16 players in 2vs2 Tournament / 8 groups
(all players get matchpoints like in the normal tournament system here, too, but no extrapoints!)
-> 7 Newbies
-> 4 Beginner
-> 2 Versed
-> 1 Approved
-> 2 Average
(7x1+4x2+2x3+1x4+2x5)=35 points

3/8 of all groups get points:
(8 * 3) / 8 = 3 -> 3 groups get points

1st group: 35 x 0.5 = 18 points (17.5)
2nd group: 35 x 0.25 = 9 points (8.75)
3rd group: 35 x 0.125 = 5 points (4.375)
(from 3.01 to 4.0 you get four points)
(every player of the group gets the teampoints)

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  • In every Tournament, Battle and Funwar there're Three Awards
  • In 2vs2 Tournaments always 3 groups for 16 and 32 players, in first group both players get golden cup and so on.

Ranks / Skill Level
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MH_Razen Wrote:(If you see you should get a higher rank but still have a lower one please send a pm to me)
(I'll decide about the Point-Values needed later, when I can see how the system works ...)

1. Newbie
   Points: ---
   Awards: ---

2. Beginner
   Points: 10 points
   Awards: ---

3. Versed
   Points: 25 points
   Awards: ---

4. Approved
   Points: 50 points
   Awards: 1 Cup

5. Average
   Points: 90 points
   Awards: 2 Cups (1 must be 2nd place cup min)

6. Expert
   Points: 150 points
   Awards: 3 Cups (1 must be 1st place in an 8-Player Tournament min)

7. Elite
   Awards: 4 Cups (2 must be 1st place in an 8-Player Tournament min)

8. Master
   Awards: 5 Cups (2 must be 1st place in an 8-Player Tournament min,
   1 more must be 1st place in a 16-Player Tournament min, so three 1st places needed)

9. Legendary
   Awards: 7 Cups (2 must be 1st place in an 8-Player Tournament min,
   2 more must be 1st place in a 16-Player Tournament min, so four 1st place needed)

10. Godlike
   Awards: 10 Cups (2 must be 1st place in an 8-Player Tournament min,
   2 more must be 1st place in a 16-Player Tournament min,
   1 more must be 1st place in a 32-Player Tournament min, so five 1st places needed)

11. LFE-Champion
   » Must be a Godlike Fighter
   » Must win the "Battle of the Gods" (Battle between Godlike Fighters)

Unfought Matches / Penalty Points / Quitter-Rank
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  • You have to fight ALL fights, even if the result (for example in a pre-liminary round) is clear.
  • You're safe if you submit your results as early as possible.
  • Handling of unfought Matches in the end of a tournament:
    • Battles / Preliminary-Rounds:
      » No fight submitted by one players: Quitter / -20 points
      » Some fights unfought: Canceled (Sign: // ) / lost chance to win
    • Tournaments:
      » If you've problems contacting your opponent (PM, Email, Messenger, Hamachi) post this in the Tournament-Thread after half of the time limit passed (around this date, not exact of course).
      » No reaction from opponent:
          - 3 : 0
          - Quitter / -20 points
      » Reaction from opponent but no fight in the end:
          - If you can proove the other one is not even interested in the fight show this (maybe a screenshot of a chat or so) and the match counts like there's no reaction from opponent.
          - Fight canceled, -10 for both and exclude from this Tournament.
      (If you're not totally stupid I suggest you to request an enlargement of the Time Limit here)
          - Loser of the match, where next enemy for the winner of this match should be decided, gets a second chance.

  • Your possibilities if you want to quit a tournament:
    • Abdicate a match: -3 points per match
      (recommend this in tournaments)
    • Excuse from a tournament: -10 points for whole tournament
      (recommend this in battles)
    • Within the first three days of the first round of a Tournament the Fighter will be replaced.
      In other case the fights are set 3 : 0 for the others.

  • You lose 1 point for each post and thread you create about stuff which is answered in the FAQ Threads!
  • As long as you have negative points you are not allowed to take part in Official Tournaments, you can get back to zero with Private Tournaments.
  • The maximum of negative points you can get is -20.
  • If you have positive points again and you took part in a Tournament successfully the Quitter-Rank is deleted, too.

How are the winners of preliminary rounds / battles appointed?
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  • In preliminary rounds every fighter have to battle against every other fighter in this group
  • The two fighters with the most overall-wins get ahead
  • In battles the match between the guys with the same number of over-all wins counts.
  • In case two fighters have the same number of overall-wins the fighter having more single-wins get ahead.
    (for example he lost one match 3:2 he has still 2 single-wins)
  • In case two fighters have the same number of single-wins the fighter having less single-battles lost get ahead
    (so if you win all fights 3:0 you didn't lose and single-battles)
  • In case this is still the same the two fighters have to fight again and the winner get ahead
  • If these points are used to decide who wins the third cup the worser guy gets same extrapoints but no cup (so like place four).

Information about 1vs1 Matches
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  • The Match follow the normal Tournament Rules, but sure you can varify them. If you do just post it please.
  • Each match should consist of five rounds (max). The first player to win three rounds is declared the victor.
  • Use » this « form to post the results in Private Tournaments and attach the necessary evidences.
  • The opponent also have to post there and confirm the posted result.
  • If both players posted the author need to mark the thread as solved, then a moderator will come, varify, add points and lock the thread.
  • Pointcount:
    MH-Razen Wrote:Points you get for winning against a fighter of the following rank:
    Newbie -> +1 point
    Beginner -> +2 points
    Versed -> +3 points
    Approved -> +4 points
    Average -> +5 points
    Expert -> +6 points
    Elite -> +7 points
    Master -> +8 points
    Legendary -> +9 points
    Godlike -> +10 points
    LFE-Champion   -> +15 points
[Image: random.php?pic=random]
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