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LF2 Title Change
I'm trying to figure out how to change the title "Little Fighter 2" on Hexworkshop v6.6, but seeing all these hex numbers is overwhelming me lol, does anyone know how to do this?
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You probably have a right column that is labelend something like "ASCII" or so. Basically, every 2 digits in the hex-column get slapped into an ascii-character.

I haven't really worked with that prog, but it's usually the same for any of such programs: Open up the search-dialog (which is usually Ctrl+F), check that ASCII should be searched, and enter "Little Fighter 2" (without quotation-marks, ofc). It should take you right to it.

2.0a should have the title at address 0x00047620.

Note that longer messages require extra-allocation of memory for which you'll need to get into debugging.
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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Just open it with notpad or notpad++ and type 'little fighter 2' in the find box. When you find it replace it with your title but it must be of 16 letters including spaces.
Thanks given by: qwertz143 , electric.shock , Shaoody
That won't work. I tried that long time ago... Use BP's method.
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Hey,I tried that method in lf2 V2.0a and it worked. Please try it again.
Thanks given by: Shaoody
Thnx guys for all the help, is there a way to make your title longer than 16 letters though?
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(07-17-2012, 01:48 PM)avatarmaniac789 Wrote:  Thnx guys for all the help, is there a way to make your title longer than 16 letters though?
That would require allocating more memory, which would require modifying the program code.
Or perhaps you can use a DLL to do it. I'm going to look into that.
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i remember reading that somewhere on how to do it, sadly can't find it at the moment.
Basically the theory is like following
1. you gotta find a blank space, where nothing is written in there, in the exe and get the address of this space
2. go back to the address where you found "Little Fighter 2" written in it and replace the text with a "jmp YOUR ADRESS WHERE THE BLANK IS"
3. go back to the blank space from earlier and write your new address in there.
4. Should now have your new title =)

Why does it work that way:

The title in lf2 is statically set, so basically lf2 searches for the title on a fixed address with a fixed length, because of this we have to force lf2 to go to some place else, where we have more control over the length & space.

If you are acustomed with hexediting, this might already help you, if not i hope some more advanced hexers can help you out. :)
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should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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