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Random Survival Generator
which is this thread :D (if you don't know what I'm saying, nvm)

How practical is it? Set three important numbers and click two buttons - then start playing.
this is an introduction video --->
just showing how practical it is.

I know earlier I made something like this, but with many bugs and enemies are unbalanced (e.g. having 3 bats in a single phase :o , then sometimes our favorite enemy never appears, etc).

This is a remake. Plus, it works around 5 times faster and it can write to stage.dat immediately (thanks to zort and Chiko for helping me in that :D )
Download link:

If it's the first time you use the program, you need to give it your LF2's address (also do this when you move your LF2 folder, if you ever do that), it's in the 'Generate' tab.

NOTE: If an error occur, try to 'Run as Administrator', as this solved the problem for Zort :D

Practical use:
1. Set Initial Difficulty (the starting difficulty, i.e. phase 0)
2. Set Difficulty Increment (how much the difficulty should increase per phase)
3. Set how many phase you want to create (e.g. 50)
4. Go to Generate tab, click on Generate, then click on Replace Stage
5. Run LF2 and go to survival mode --> it has been modified randomly, but based on your settings.

Want more details?
Well there are many configurable settings. I will write them all in separate spoilers just to keep it organized. You can even save and load the settings so in case you make many changes you should do it :D . OH CRAP, I forgot: the enemy cooldowns won't be saved. But all other will be. I'll fix this soon too.
Well, open this to find out what each property does
Thanks given by: The Lost Global Mod

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