What I meant was:
< frame 1> state: 18 next:0
ik3 caughtact :<mp regeneration frames > catchingact :<frame2>
<frame 2> wait: 10 next: <frame 3>
<frame 3>
state : 18
ik3 caughtact: 1 catchingact wait : 10 next: 1000
mp frames <1> --> mp frames <2> spawn beer --->
mp frames state 17 <3> --> mp frames state 17 <3>
Frame 3 has special bdy that interact with the ik3 so the ball stop this action. Or you could just make frame 3 last longer but end by itself.
< frame 1> state: 18 next:0
ik3 caughtact :<mp regeneration frames > catchingact :<frame2>
<frame 2> wait: 10 next: <frame 3>
<frame 3>
state : 18
ik3 caughtact: 1 catchingact wait : 10 next: 1000
mp frames <1> --> mp frames <2> spawn beer --->
mp frames state 17 <3> --> mp frames state 17 <3>
Frame 3 has special bdy that interact with the ik3 so the ball stop this action. Or you could just make frame 3 last longer but end by itself.