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Objects/Items burn
It's been a really long time since I tried to dc something but when I was playing for once my Safari Lf2 with Firen, it looked so damn stupid when I used the fire run in the grass...
So I'd like to make the fire burn the grass somehow...
If you don't know what I'm talking about go check the Safari mod HERE

Any ideas?
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Make fire have a special itr and the grass have a special body with low health and then when the fire touches it, it breaks?

I guess? I don't know ones!
Thanks given by: Wiro
Well, my theory would be as follows:
- modify the fire so that it has a special itr
- modify the grass so that it has a special bdy
- once the grass gets hit by those fires, it will go to a new frame displaying some sort of rapid oxidation
- optionally: cause a chain-fire by letting the burning grass spawn objects as well that'll then hurt the other elements

Please note that this is only theory, LF2 might hick up a bit in reality xD

edit: aww, screw you bashscrazy. You ninja :ninjad:
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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Thanks given by: Wiro

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