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Increased Size of Sprites
How can we put the increased size of Sprites than in the .bmp to appear in the game? :O
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Make your sprites bigger by using any program like paint,PhotoShop,etc.
Then edit bmp part of dat file,with new sizes (w: and h: ) :D
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i think he means how do you do it in the coding (because it's in the Data Changing section)
i have no idea otherwise if its simply the matter of being lazy and u just want to code it in without having to resize them on a program like photoshop or gimp (thats how i would do it anyways)
would be cool if there was an convenient way to change the size in the game
without ever having to change it image by image

if there isn't then empirefantasy's way is the only one you can use it in the game

V) lol i dunno, thought there was another way of doing it (i mean its quite logical to do it ur way ~don't get me wrong)
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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Yes,every image need to be changed.That because every image appears with its real size in game.
Also why would I not show him that there might be another way? O.o
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i think there is a way like bashcrazy vegito the exp is bigger but the sprites size is the same as a normal exp
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yea that was what i wanted to ask!
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(02-22-2012, 11:11 AM)nbaheen Wrote:  i think there is a way like bashcrazy vegito the exp is bigger but the sprites size is the same as a normal exp
When I looked at it, the sprite of the explosion was the exact same size as it was in game.

So, if you want bigger sprites make bigger sprites.
Simple as that.
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(02-22-2012, 11:11 AM)nbaheen Wrote:  i think there is a way like bashcrazy vegito the exp is bigger but the sprites size is the same as a normal exp

That doesn't make any sense... The explosion is bigger.. yet the size is the same?
Then that means it's not bigger.
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If you want to ask about how to compress images (bigger image with less consumption)

You will need to have image editor softwares like Photoshop, Photoimpact or GIMP, change image into optimized 16 color or 256 color, and change the background back to #000000 (pure black) for retaining transparency.
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