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Recording Collection (and probably world records)
the page is actually written by Zort - wholy.. including uploading the recordings. You can just click on the numbers and you'll start downloading the recording ;D .

YEAH Recording Collection!
The collection contains... the best records we currently have. If you did something new or better, you can give us the recording so we will update the page :p , include yours or replace the worse record with yours. Note that records are separated by which characters are used as well :D (e.g. record for davis is separated from woody's)

For example, here is our best records for single player survival mode. See how it's more complete than the World Records thread :D

Also see, there are still so many un-done things just from that section ;D . Only together can we that complete make ;)

And we're not all about survival! We also collect stage and VS mode recordings :D . And if you do something new, we will simply add a new column or section to cover that :) . Lame records may not be accepted though (e.g. thousand clones).

So you can contribute to the collection quite easily =) . Firstly, just check your recording folder if you saved some cool ones :P . Trying to beat specific record is perfectly fine too :D
Thanks given by: Jed37 , John Fighterli , LeoGautama , Dr. Time
Woot, Kevin and I just finished beating at least 4 Firzens with each pair of heroes! From doing all these, I learned about minimizing damage taken when you're unavoidably about to get hit. My favorites are Freeze and Louis where I'm untouched for 23 seconds until a Firzen does a cannon while floating in my whirlwind, and Deep and Deep (against 5 Firzens) which has great dodging and no wall combos (except after they're all dead :P).

We're at about 300 recordings now, some from the prolific Kevin, some scrounged from several LF2 forums. There's a mix of good and bad, but it's not hard to pick out the good. I think it's safe to say that there's no major record out there that it's missing, e.g. no one has ever passed difficult survival 50 except perhaps as Firzen or Julian (well there could be someone really amazing out there just keeping to themselves, but such a person's records are permanently inaccessible to us anyway). So these are, indeed, the world records, or Internet records more accurately.
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wohoow yeah!!
and we're doing the 6 louisEX and probably 6 Bats later. And... idk if we can do 3 Julians as well.
I do hope a few others will be interested though..
Thanks given by: John Fighterli
davis crazy stage 1

here you are. i did it without drinking milk :D
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I found Wikia's coding impractical - we need a very long code just for the tables and we can't edit it in 'Visual Mode', which is then very confusing (imagine the whole tables are shown as paragraphs... it's hard just to find where the thing we want to edit is).

I'm trying to use Google Docs for this. I hope Zort don't mind me neglecting his hardwork on that Wikia page... Anyway, Google Docs can be edited by anyone without signing in, just like in Wikia, and we can always edit in Visual Mode ;D

Here is the Google Docs link for the recording collection:
When I post this, it's empty, but I am filling it, so maybe when you open it, there will be already some or all of the recordings organized somehow.

O_o we can actually edit the wikia page in Visual Mode. Weird... I remembered it failed when I tried :/ . OK so leave the google docs ;D we can use our Wikia
Thanks given by: John Fighterli
Bump, there's still a lot of empty space to fill. Hopefully everyone's ok with this bump.

I did a Stage 1 Crazy (A++) with Firen, but I don't know how to post it in the page, so here's the download link to the recording.
aka Verdusk

I don't have a sicknature

LF2 SurGen (survival stage generator!)
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Sorry, but there's already a Firen A++ :p
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I did it with Hunter now, no one did it yet.
Stage 1 with Hunter (A++)
I figured out the Summary Table template, but not how to add a file to the wikia.
aka Verdusk

I don't have a sicknature

LF2 SurGen (survival stage generator!)
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That's the easy part— Wikia synonymizes LFRs with photos; just go with it.
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