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LF2 Big Faces
Marti Wong made big versions of the LF2 faces that are shown in the character selection screen. They were shared in a Chinese website which the link was lost to, and found by @STM1993 who shared them on IRC and/or Discord. Unfortunately, we have only the 10 main characters.

Here they are (click for big picture):

[Image: Davis.jpg] [Image: Deep.jpg] [Image: Dennis.jpg] [Image: Firen.jpg] [Image: Freeze.jpg] [Image: Henry.jpg] [Image: John.jpg] [Image: Louis.jpg] [Image: Rudolf.jpg] [Image: Woody.jpg]
[Image: random.php?pic=random]
The meaning of life is to give life a meaning.
Stop existing. Start living.
Did Marti Wong do that?
Could this represent any news soon...? (LF2 HD, please)

Anyway, small but good changes.
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Great find!

@jcostalaguiar nah I dont think so... it just shows once more that marti did all the graphics in higher resolution and then scaled them down for the game
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Interesting find, for sure! It seems like a later overpaint based on the original assets; Dennis and Woody for instance have quite pixely hair :p

Just put them into my "_to upload to LFE eventually"-folder, so we'll have them archived at some point Wobble
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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