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[solved] HELP!!!!!
your post is also spam.

being <13, you have almost no quick capability (meaning u may be able to, but slowly) of learning data changing without someone actually teaching you face-to-face. we all go through this phase, so don't go hating me for saying anything.
everyone is getting angry at you because,

(03-02-2009, 09:54 PM)rachet197 Wrote:  Well how do you make a char transform.

I Wrote:  
> DC thread link
# lfe mainsite link
% method is listed here coz I think it's the clearest explanation (other threads aren't very easy to understand)

How do I...
>Transform - most basic transformation where all newbies get errors

(03-02-2009, 09:54 PM)rachet197 Wrote:  How do you make a char fly or even hover.

Blue Phoenix Wrote:  %make a character fly
show me how} (Click to View)

(03-02-2009, 09:54 PM)rachet197 Wrote:  Also I would like a way to add new moves to a char.

mainsite Wrote:  #7 How do I add new attacks?
If you want to copy a move from one character to another, you have to copy the frames to the character's dat.-file. Keep in mind that you can't have frames with the same number. If the frames you copied are already in use, you have to change the frame-numbers (do not use frames bigger than 399!) and the next frame noted by "next".
Then, in order to use the move, you have to allocate a key-combination to it. The possible combinations are:

D + > + A = hit_Fa: D + > + J = hit_Fj:
D + ^ + A = hit_Ua: D + ^ + J = hit_Uj: D + J + A = hit_ja:
D + v + A = hit_Da: D + v + J = hit_Dj:

Finally, add this tag with the first frame-number of the move behind the other input tags in the "standing", "walking", and "defend" frames.
quoted from here

(03-02-2009, 09:54 PM)rachet197 Wrote:  PLEASE HELP.

reading is important.

Thanks given by: Alblaka , Drahcir

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