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My first Avatar. Feedback please?
I ask all of the LFE forum. If anyone has any time and talent to make me an avatar. Something that fits my user.. Please respond... In another note I would also like to ask how do I add my sprites?

Avatar by Alectric.

Thanks man. :D
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First of all, welcome to the forum.

Now, for your avatar, requests are not allowed, unless people are willing to want to help you out. You can always PM people.
On a side note, you havent even given any specifications on what your user is like.

If you at least attempt at making an avatar, im sure people will be willing to help you improve it.

To show sprites and images, upload them to an image hosting site ( ) and then post the direct link between the image tags, like this:
[img] (direct link) [/img].
Thanks given by: Divisor , snorsorbet
First of all, I'm sorry for disobeying the rules of the forum... I guess I should read the rules. Thank you for the quick response and for the info on the sprite posting.


Alectric edited this post 07-31-2010 09:35 AM because:
No problem
Avatar by Alectric.

Thanks man. :D
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Ill keep this thread open, just in case someone is feeling nice.

Flaming is ill advised.
Thanks given by: Pyro Lizard , snorsorbet
What kind of Avatar u want?? A fire Avatar?? :D
!!!Have GUTS???
Then show them Off!!! :p
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I have just created a new avatar. Any feedback? :)
Avatar by Alectric.

Thanks man. :D
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looks kewl, definetly goes well with ur username as well ;D
i have no problems with it...
u might wanna change the name of this thread...for ur sprites any other work
First ava won't take u very far, thts why it's best to keep practicing and open up a gallery ;D
have fun with tht
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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The picture looks generally bulky, try picking out more detailed shadows with a smaller brush (or increase the size of the image just to shrink it again). I like the fire, it looks very supernatural.

If you want to, you can also try to make the pose better. Right now it looks like he is about to fall over due to the amount of weight on his front :D

Also, welcome to the forums ;)

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
Thanks given by: Pyro Lizard
Thank you for the feedback. I needed that kind of info. I was thinking I should redo the entire thing. Any thoughts or opinions?

Avatar by Alectric.

Thanks man. :D
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