Hero Fighter is a good game, don't get me wrong. My friend Nirvana and I broke down the game's mechanics entirely down to how damage scaling works. Between us, we pretty much know everything about the game. I was initially skeptic of this because of the game's imbalances. However, you proved my disappointment in a way typical within this community.
What you're doing is not even close to Hero Fighter mechanically. You can call it HF, but really you're just buffing. You can't say you made your own touches when they really break the character's design. I had to figure that out myself.
You made his MP-less balls, but Iczzy only throws two and they actually don't go full-screen. You really love projectiles, don't you? I don't blame you. Icicles summon a small chain of five that don't change in size. I'm not trying to be harsh here, but this is laughable. Ice Dragon Punch... How creative... Do I sense a Lucas lover? The Uppercut/Dragon Punch is an awesome move. Not everybody needs it though. That move is dangerously cliche.
Also, how can you combine Leo and Swordsman Eason? They play completely different even if there are only two moves that set them apart. Are you going to combine them both? That would be very OP. I can see you looping Deep's Airblades the way you're going.
Consider this practice to figure out how to do work DC. I do not see a project like this going well with what you're doing.
Gad is giving you real good advice here; I'm just a guy that quite accurately knows Hero Fighter's mechanics and characters off the top of my head.
Edit: You had to do the Ice Clones... Just why so many at once???
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The first thing you must do to live a life of power is to find courage. You must reach beyond the boundaries of time itself.
And to do that, all you need is the will to take that first step...
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