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Windows 7 LF2 v2.0a Problem
I run Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit (x86). I tried to run LF2.exe (2.0a) and it showed this error:
Any idea how it happened or how it can be solved?
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Have you tried this?
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
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Thanks given by: Electric2Shock
I did but it didnt work. I tried the x64 version of that thing and Voila! Dont know why though, my OS is a x86 OS dude!
[Image: icyboards-ad-468x60.gif]
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You are aware that is rich with results, yes? (I can't tell if you've tried googling that.)
EDIT: Whoops, didn't read.
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The thread is solved but thank you anyway for your suggestion.
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