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[solved] Reseting bdefend and fall
Hi guys!

I'm making a move where the char runs fastly and punches the air, making a explosion. I'm using State 7 to add him an armor factor while he is running, but i would like to "reset" the fall and the bdefend values before the running. How can i do it?
needing a HEXer .-.
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I think there's only one way: use the heal 500 thing:

the only thing you have to change is the itr your char gets hurt with: injury is 0, but fall and bdefend is -100, then when you drink I'm quite sure it's reduced to the standard value again. I don't see a reason why fall and bdefend should work different as hp and mp
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Thanks given by: NocturneSama
Thanks, MH-Razen-san, but the result wasn't satisfactory. Actually, i was trying to make a "infinite" defense while the char was running, but using this metod, the char gets stucked while runs...

Thread Solved i guess.
needing a HEXer .-.
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You could make a T3 object, which attacks your char all over the run with injury:0 and fall: -xxx. The only problem would be, that the char would (like louis, if he gets hit during running) "twich" for one frame after every hit...

Or you could make a BIG fall: -xxxxx value... it should (?) give your char enough "antifall" to not be able to get kicked down... maybe... Never tried this, but a similar thing was done in NTSD, so it should work
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However, you need to reset this value.
Otherwise the char would keep the negative fall, that could lead to some gameplay issues.

If you use the "resetting" technique, then he still could fall down, if he got hit during the move.
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