Not a very popular topic whatsoever but it can be very fun to play around with this. It's incredibly easy and not much work at all.
The reason I made this thread is that LFE's section on LF1 Data changing is pretty incomplete and there's a lot more to it.
A lot of the information is from the tutorial by bat tamer, however there's more to it than what he explains, but I'll be using some of his info in here as well.
Anyways, basic steps:
=Getting started=
In the folder "sys" you will find "data.dat", open it with any given text editor (such as notepad.exe, for example).
=Data Changing=
The format for all the characters is always:
Head - Your character's face. You can choose up to 11 different heads.
Face: Head color.
Skn (Skin): Skin color.
Sht (Shirt): Shirt color.
Trs (Trousers): Pants color.
Sp (Special attacks): This is the more interesting bit. A special attack is made up of one letter and six numbers.
Let's take this for example:
Kinda like an appendix:
Stuff bat tamer threw in regarding colors:
oh, potentially FAQ:
You can't edit character's faces in the selection screen and the actual display names in the game in any way. Editing sprites isn't possible either, you can just edit what face is used and the colors for the various parts.
To be added:
-> Infos on projectiles and special attack type editing in those silly tables at the end of data.dat
-> Clear stuff up on F, G and H and how to get weapon summoning and usage to work, if that's even possible?
Sunday, October 12, 2008 -
Tutorial written.
This tutorial/explanation might have some faulty information due to me not having tried every single projectile and attack type for example (only the ones I wasn't sure about). Please post any fixes and suggestions for this tutorial in this thread, as well as any questions if they do come up.
Post your creations here!
The reason I made this thread is that LFE's section on LF1 Data changing is pretty incomplete and there's a lot more to it.
A lot of the information is from the tutorial by bat tamer, however there's more to it than what he explains, but I'll be using some of his info in here as well.
Anyways, basic steps:
=Getting started=
In the folder "sys" you will find "data.dat", open it with any given text editor (such as notepad.exe, for example).
=Data Changing=
The format for all the characters is always:
1. Davis
Head: 1
Face: 1 1
Skn: 83 81
Sht: 1 3
Trs: 91 93
Sp: A 61 43 12 0 1 25
C 46 44 0 0 15 50
B 63 64 65 66 2 175
Head - Your character's face. You can choose up to 11 different heads.
Face: Head color.
Skn (Skin): Skin color.
Sht (Shirt): Shirt color.
Trs (Trousers): Pants color.
Sp (Special attacks): This is the more interesting bit. A special attack is made up of one letter and six numbers.
Let's take this for example:
A 61 43 12 0 1 25
- The letter, the "A" in this case, declares what input is used. The possible inputs are:
A : ← → → A
B : → ↓ ↑ A
C : → ← → A
D : J → → A
E : ↑ ↓ ← → A
F : The character holds a weapon by default, and when pressing A he uses a special attack. The special attack of the weapon can't be done by anybody else than the owner of the weapon.
G : with special weapon press attack for beam
H : → ← → A (Weapon Summon)
(Legend: A= Attack, J = Jump, ↑ ↓ ← → = directions)
- The first number, in the case of the above example the "61", is the first sprite used. If we changed this to 62 we would get a pose of deep's with a yellow sword instead of the pose davis uses before firing an energy ball.
- The second number, "43", is in this case the second sprite used. Pose 43 is a pretty common and useful pose because it takes the selected colors etc, in comparison to something like Pose 61.
(As of now there's no list of poses out there, and I don't think one will arrive anytime soon. Too much work for something that nobody ends up caring about.)
- The third number, 12, is in this case the projectile. In other special attacks that use up 4 sprites, this is the 3rd sprite (example: Davis' Uppercut), or simply doesn't exist.
For a list of all possible projectiles you can use, see here:
Code:0 - Sword
1 - Stick
2 - Hoe
3 - Shuriken/Ninja Star
4 - Milk
5 - Bomb (This seems to be an unused weapon, explodes on impact)
6 - Boomerang
7 - Bow
8 - Stone
9 - Box
10 - Severed Head
11 - Ice Sword
12 - Davis' Ball
13 - Woody's Ball
14 - John's Ball
15 - Deep's slash
16 - Firen's Ball
17 - Henry's Arrow
18 - Freeze's Ball
19 - John's Disk
20 - Dennis' Ball
21 - Blood (short ranged)
22 - Red explosion (the breaking effect of a projectile)
23 - Blue explosion (the breaking effect of a projectile)
24 - Arrow break
26 - Knife
26 - Julian's Chasing Skulls
- The forth number is irrelevant in projectile attacks, and only appears in attacks that use 4 sprites (Davis' Uppercut, for example). This is again simply a sprite.
- The fifth number is very important. This declares what type of attack this is. For a list of possible types, see here:
Code:1 - Ball Attack (2 sprites, 3rd number is projectile)
2 - Davis' Uppercut/Singlong (4 sprites)
3 - Shove/Jong (1 sprite?)
4 - Woody's Teleport/ShunKan (2 sprites)
5 - Woody's Tiger Dash/Chai (2 sprites)
6 - Louis' Airpunch/HungBall (2 sprites)
7 - Louis' Blast/BowBall (3 sprites)
8 - Louis' Airkicks/Foot1000 (2 sprites)
9 - Henry's Flute/ChuiThat (2 sprites)
10 - Deep's Bomb/Explosion/ChiBow (2 sprites)
11 - Deep's Sword Summon/ChungKem (3 sprites??)
12 - Firen's Charge/PowFour (3 sprites)
13 - Firen's Explosion/BowFour (2 sprites)
14 - Dennis' Spinkick/SheunFung (4 sprites)
15 - Grab/JokeYen (2 sprites)
16 - John's Disk/HeiSheun (3 sprites)
17 - John's self heal (2 sprites)
18 - Freeze's Cyclone/CheunSun (4 sprites)
19 - Freeze's Ice Sword (2 sprites)
20 - Rudolf's Invisible/YanSun (2 sprites)
21 - Rudolf's Teleport/ShunKan2 (3 sprites)
22 - Henry's Blast/KungPow (3 sprites)
23 - Henry's Arrow (2 sprites)
24 - Deep's Fireball/Slash with sword/KimBall ( sprites?)
25 - Julian's soul punch/LinKeung (two sprites)
- The sixth number declares the MP used. I recall spy having detailed explanation on it and am currently looking for it, and will update this later on. Meanwhile you can use the values used in the original data or play around with it yourself.
Kinda like an appendix:
Stuff bat tamer threw in regarding colors:
Peach 83 81
Red 33 34
Black 10 10
Blue 1 3
Green 98 99
Purple 48 49
Yellow 67 68
Orange 145 146
White 15 100
Tan 82 81
oh, potentially FAQ:
You can't edit character's faces in the selection screen and the actual display names in the game in any way. Editing sprites isn't possible either, you can just edit what face is used and the colors for the various parts.
To be added:
-> Infos on projectiles and special attack type editing in those silly tables at the end of data.dat
-> Clear stuff up on F, G and H and how to get weapon summoning and usage to work, if that's even possible?
Sunday, October 12, 2008 -
Tutorial written.
This tutorial/explanation might have some faulty information due to me not having tried every single projectile and attack type for example (only the ones I wasn't sure about). Please post any fixes and suggestions for this tutorial in this thread, as well as any questions if they do come up.
Post your creations here!