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[Characters] some of my chars
hello guys:D
here are some of my chars:
I know that they are not fantastic, but most of them are from my noob-times;)
comments please
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damn, how could I forget thatShock
okay, here it is:
[Image: charshv8.png]
BomokBETA: perhaps you have seen him in the old forums from me as darnok murk. He is a wrestler and the endboss from one of my neverending mod-projects -_-
Gold: a golden template, you see:D. he has an armour and punches incredibly fast. When you ly on the ground, you can press attack,defend or jump to recover some hp.this does´t work everytime. he is a very strong com-player.
hunterEX: an uber-hunter. you can kill the opponent with just one skillShock, for example the fire-explosion-arrow or the ice-whirlwind-arrow. sprites aren´t by me.
JulianEX: a cool uber-julian:8. you have to replace him with the original julian.
Mikrayka: a bandit-modification who can fly. he is the most cowardly char I´ve ever made:p.
Yellowmist: a mini-boss-davis (yes, it´s davis:p) and he hasn´t normal moves. I´ll add some other mists later...
Mr. Superduper: UUUUUBER-char. he can fly, shoot up to 100 objects and nothing of this all costs manaShock. but he´s good at testing stages.
Sodaki: a template who throws ice- and fire-ninjastars. he is nice, but very weak.
Spiritwoody: a woody nearly without a body.
stone: a modifded mark.
template2: a template with moves from the other chars.
lasertemlate: a template with laser-moves.
new dennis: new data for dennis and dennis_ball.

oh, i have to turn my pc off. hope this is helpfull.
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if you would read the whole text, you would know that not all of them are ubersrolleyes
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Bamboori Wrote:you would know that not all of them are ubers
But most of them are uber-chars, though. Plus, it seems that you just recolored or inverted some char colors.
Personally, I especially like the yellow-mist-idea, but you definately should try to create characters that would fit into the game, and wouldn't have such outstanding powers. I've seen several forums, in which people present their characters that can do instant kills...
Creating uber-characters is easy, try to create a balanced character.
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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most of the ubers are so strong because they are end-bosses.
plus, how I said most of them are from my noob-times.
at the moment I´m working on balanced chars,
but thanks for the comment.
and I´m very lazy, so I often just recolor chars and when they are good, I make new sprites for them.

the mists are mini-bosses for my mod "LF2-the dimension gate" :8
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Oh a 3 months old thread ...

I only tested yellow mist and i really like the idea with the transparent pics and the inputs ...
Even if its a bit weird and diffrent from the other chars :p

Quote:the mists are mini-bosses for my mod "LF2-the dimension gate"
Did you released this project already ? o_O
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no, its one of my never-ending projects...-_-
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