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[solved] Nigative dvy with a ltr problem
I am really really sorry guys. I guess U really miss understood me and my stupid explanation. When I said the dvy I didn't mean the dvy in the ltr. I meant the dvy at the beginning of the frame (the one which is next to centerx, centery). And I was saying that my char goes higher than I noted in the dvy when hitting chars. I am really sorry about by misleading post.
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A-Engine: A new beat em up game engine inspired by LF2. Coming soon

A-Engine Dev Blog - Update #8: Timeout

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kayz, so what actually happens is

when you have a frame with dvx/y/z, you have an acceleration on the char in that frame.
also, if you have an itr in a frame, and it hits someone, the char with the itr pauses on that frame for an extra time unit (each time it hits someone)

this means if you have a dvx/y/z in a frame with an itr, it will experience that dvx/y/z again during the "pause" moment when it hits someone else.

to solve: split the frame into 2 different frames (more if you need to make the animation smoother),

frame1: dvx/y/z: whatever value you need
frame2: dvx/y/z: 0, itr: asdf

Thanks given by: A-Man
(10-19-2011, 04:39 AM)Azriel Wrote:  frame1: dvx/y/z: whatever value you need
frame2: dvx/y/z: 0, itr: asdf

also frame1 must have a wait 0 so you can start hitting earlier.

This problem is generally seen when editing davis.
If you give an itr to a going up frame in dragon punch, it flies up trough the moon:P
[Image: llqsMqz.jpg][Image: llqsMqz.jpg][Image: llqsMqz.jpg][Image: llqsMqz.jpg]
Thanks given by: A-Man
I just don't know how to thank U guys but thanx.
Problem Solved.
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A-Engine: A new beat em up game engine inspired by LF2. Coming soon

A-Engine Dev Blog - Update #8: Timeout

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