Good god, y'all.
(10-18-2013, 05:36 PM)Draya Vartaila Wrote: Hi Guys!There's no way he got frozen by one spike from 0 DP. He must have been hit recently. By all means, try to reproduce it and post the replay. The answer to your question, thus, why does it seem so unpredictable, is that it can take a while for his armour to recover from previous attacks, so you may think he's fully recovered while his armour is actually not 100%, and what Kevin pointed out, that getting hit by the 2nd and then immediately the 3rd spike freezes him.
Maybe you know it, when You fight Julian and using Freeze's D>J Attack (Ice spikes) He get freezed sometimes.
I mean its the same position and the same numbers of hits by Icespikes and of course I don't attack him before so that lose his defense =).
Sometimes its just the third spike which hit them and he is freezed, sometimes he stand in the middle of the Ice and get hit more times but nothing happend. Just luck? or have That a reason?
(10-18-2013, 05:51 PM)Kevin Wrote: Maybe you missed this fact: The first ice spike is weaker against Julian's armor.Nope, they all have bdefend: 16. The reason the last two spikes suffice while the first two don't is that the delay between the 2nd and the 3rd is less than the 1st and the 2nd. After the 1st spike, his bdefend has JUST enough time to drop from 16 to 15 so his armour can defend him against the second spike. But if he gets hit by the 2nd spike first, the 3rd spike comes in while his bdefend is still 16. Same thing as two simultaneous punches breaking through Knight's armour.
If you hit him with the first two ice spikes, he will resist it. From excellent position, it's possible to hit with all three, but even if you just hit with the last two spikes, he will still get frozen.
(10-19-2013, 02:33 PM)T@l Wrote: Another theory in my mind is that hits don't always count as whole-numbered hits. Lets say for example that Julian is resistable to 2 hits and Freeze's columns count as 1.25 hits. I noticed that tow columns hit Julian at the same time when he recovered and that made him freeze. Maybe when they hit him at the same time, he gets hit with 2.5 hits and gets freezed and when they hit him one-by-one, he recovers from the first 1.25 hit, so he also resists to the second 1.25 hit, make him hitable only for the 3rd column.Nope, as it turns out, they don't get rounded down, they just decay quickly. See for a fuller theory, OR open up Cheat Engine and watch pointer 0x458c94B8 (where Julian is player 1) while you hit him with icicles.
(10-19-2013, 03:16 PM)Draya Vartaila Wrote: Some tests.Your testing methodology obviously sucks, these results are just wrong (or inconsistent? I can't tell, the descriptions are so vague).
1. hit one time by 3rd column...nothing
2. hit one time by 1st, as the 2nd appear he get hit and freezed
3. hit one time by first and second...nothing
4. hit by all three one time get freezed
5.hit one time by second and third nothing
6.hit by 1st, 2nd get freezed
7.hit by 2nd and 3rd get freezed
I think its matter which distance You have to Julian, he get hit by 3rd and 2nd ...get freezed, one step forword, the same story but this time nothing!
And I think he gets 100% Freezed when two columns hit him at the same time but for this you must stay in a perfect distance to Julian.
(10-19-2013, 03:19 PM)Ramond Wrote:No, recovering has no effect on your armour. You must be thinking of instances where they hadn't yet recovered their armour from the attack that knocked them over. Just watch pointer 0x458c94B8.(10-19-2013, 02:33 PM)T@l Wrote: Here's something to discuss: When he recovers from a fall, it seems like he doesn't get both hit-defense-armor, but only 1. That makes him freezeable from the 2nd colums already.
In fact directly after recovering, none of the armor characters (Louis, Knight, Julian) have any armor, so if you hit them when they land after rowing, you do actually hit (and interrupt) them.