Here I am opening this thread to discuss about projects in general. Since lf2 is getting too old and interest has lost a lot there are some challenges in the future.
First problem seems to be the number of the players. Let's look first, somebody create a char and some guys download it, then test all his moves and that's all, of course there are some other who continue playing. As we see characters these days has a high quality in both sprite and DC are well balanced and very nice ones. A good way of playing with the recent chars is by putting them all together in one game and enjoy. AI gives a plus to this method since it make everything natural during the game, you dont have dump opponents. I would say the same thing for weapons and bg. This technique is not for every character since they have different "level" of power. But still, even when you put all together, since game popularity has lost, still a game with these new characters don't make it very exciting. So there is a suggestion to all who create mods and char/weapons/bg, create some more stage modes which fit these character levels. I have seen a lot of mods which have good edits but lack on stage mode, no story line, nothing, just the original stage. I warn you that such kind of modifications are not long living. Or can you find something else? At least that's my opinion since i like stage mode on top of all and for me that the main purpose to play a mod.
Now let's review lf2 modding history. I will stop only to most important points. The first point is Datachanger, many years back in time and no doubts it is the most important story in lf2 modification. Then, since there has been some attempts to change exe file and there has been some benefits from them, but not really anybody created a program easy to use to edit exe file, so not a key point. Many years latter 2012 then comes the second biggest step in lf2 modding, AI scripting. For many years most of chars was useless while being as com players. Then again just 2 months latter while AI scripting was still developed Gad made a step forward with "sprite generator". I remember that I had noticed that chars movements are similar and looked like they had been generated by something but nobody knew to implement it before. If these 2 last discoveries have happened before, imagine what progress in projects would have been. Many people left their projects and maybe have left lf2 forever since it has too hard to archive their projects. Would this have prevented lf2 decreasing popularity and would we have much more very good mods?
But today there are some guys who are coming with some awesome programs which everybody have dreamed for many years. Now we see around some who are making some programs for DC, implementing new DC things on exe and even creating new games similar to lf2. For now let's concentrate on the 2 first things since there is not any finished project for the third one. Since Azriel visual DC (if I am not mistaken it is the first) there has been some very useful programs which make a DCers life easy. But an very important point is exe editing. Now let's think about an example. Dcers have been limited to original exe but still they did awesome things, trying so hard. Suppose there are 100 DC techniques. Now a good change on exe would make 100x2 possibilites. Another change on exe 100x2x2. And now we have some exe like PDK, silva's lf2_fullversion,etc and the last one Archer Dante's Neora, that have many new things. And in our suppose example we have 100x2^50 possibilities, if we suppose that there are 50 changes made on exe. So with such kind of tools in their hands, here can be a new era of DCers. Maybe some DCers are conservators and want to continue thinking hard and sometime live with some unsolved bugs in their very complicated techniques, some other would join the new exe immediately.Now the question stays: Should we all move to these new exe, or make our projects with normal LF2 exe?
Negative sides of the last questions now, since we discussed the positive ones. First none of these exe has arrived their final version. Second since there are some of them, some chars are playable at one some at the other one and so on. Looks like char/weapon/even bg should come with his own exe, which of course is not a solution, since as I mentioned at the beginning a new char cant stay alone among the original ones, or else he loses interest. Many exe will create a big mess up and perhaps creators will start to write on readme which are exe changes that this char use (states, its, effects etc).
Another recommend or solution would be to only create full mods with these exe. Take some chars revamp them and put in one of these exe and make a cool stage mode. The only disadvantage which comes in my mind now is that none of them support AI scripting.
Good luck to all guys who are making projects, now you have too many tools which speed up your progress and raise up quality. Use that "sprite generator", advanced programs for sprite like PS CS6, take templates from Sanger or some other guys. And use these new visual datachangers (search in projects and programs forum, there you find them).
First problem seems to be the number of the players. Let's look first, somebody create a char and some guys download it, then test all his moves and that's all, of course there are some other who continue playing. As we see characters these days has a high quality in both sprite and DC are well balanced and very nice ones. A good way of playing with the recent chars is by putting them all together in one game and enjoy. AI gives a plus to this method since it make everything natural during the game, you dont have dump opponents. I would say the same thing for weapons and bg. This technique is not for every character since they have different "level" of power. But still, even when you put all together, since game popularity has lost, still a game with these new characters don't make it very exciting. So there is a suggestion to all who create mods and char/weapons/bg, create some more stage modes which fit these character levels. I have seen a lot of mods which have good edits but lack on stage mode, no story line, nothing, just the original stage. I warn you that such kind of modifications are not long living. Or can you find something else? At least that's my opinion since i like stage mode on top of all and for me that the main purpose to play a mod.
Now let's review lf2 modding history. I will stop only to most important points. The first point is Datachanger, many years back in time and no doubts it is the most important story in lf2 modification. Then, since there has been some attempts to change exe file and there has been some benefits from them, but not really anybody created a program easy to use to edit exe file, so not a key point. Many years latter 2012 then comes the second biggest step in lf2 modding, AI scripting. For many years most of chars was useless while being as com players. Then again just 2 months latter while AI scripting was still developed Gad made a step forward with "sprite generator". I remember that I had noticed that chars movements are similar and looked like they had been generated by something but nobody knew to implement it before. If these 2 last discoveries have happened before, imagine what progress in projects would have been. Many people left their projects and maybe have left lf2 forever since it has too hard to archive their projects. Would this have prevented lf2 decreasing popularity and would we have much more very good mods?
But today there are some guys who are coming with some awesome programs which everybody have dreamed for many years. Now we see around some who are making some programs for DC, implementing new DC things on exe and even creating new games similar to lf2. For now let's concentrate on the 2 first things since there is not any finished project for the third one. Since Azriel visual DC (if I am not mistaken it is the first) there has been some very useful programs which make a DCers life easy. But an very important point is exe editing. Now let's think about an example. Dcers have been limited to original exe but still they did awesome things, trying so hard. Suppose there are 100 DC techniques. Now a good change on exe would make 100x2 possibilites. Another change on exe 100x2x2. And now we have some exe like PDK, silva's lf2_fullversion,etc and the last one Archer Dante's Neora, that have many new things. And in our suppose example we have 100x2^50 possibilities, if we suppose that there are 50 changes made on exe. So with such kind of tools in their hands, here can be a new era of DCers. Maybe some DCers are conservators and want to continue thinking hard and sometime live with some unsolved bugs in their very complicated techniques, some other would join the new exe immediately.Now the question stays: Should we all move to these new exe, or make our projects with normal LF2 exe?
Negative sides of the last questions now, since we discussed the positive ones. First none of these exe has arrived their final version. Second since there are some of them, some chars are playable at one some at the other one and so on. Looks like char/weapon/even bg should come with his own exe, which of course is not a solution, since as I mentioned at the beginning a new char cant stay alone among the original ones, or else he loses interest. Many exe will create a big mess up and perhaps creators will start to write on readme which are exe changes that this char use (states, its, effects etc).
Another recommend or solution would be to only create full mods with these exe. Take some chars revamp them and put in one of these exe and make a cool stage mode. The only disadvantage which comes in my mind now is that none of them support AI scripting.
Good luck to all guys who are making projects, now you have too many tools which speed up your progress and raise up quality. Use that "sprite generator", advanced programs for sprite like PS CS6, take templates from Sanger or some other guys. And use these new visual datachangers (search in projects and programs forum, there you find them).