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Zack v0.91 out now
Jeez guys, i thought you'd fight over a worthier cause than this.

And if you feel enraged, keep it clean and make it sound classy, so your clearly infinite rage can be masked.

Thanks given by: snorsorbet , betitngoan , Ragor , dubbleD
Are there any more moves planned for Zack?
Thanks given by: betitngoan
The shading of the face pic is a little weird but the rest is A OK

and he looks like the char u shouldn't mess with :)
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News of the day: I have joined the eggpire, look out ducks I am gonna roast you with my fearsome fire-egg sword!
*Avatar made by Someone else
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this is actualy an amazing idea O:

agreed o.o theres nothing to fight for. peace!!!!! plz

@Ragor i TRY(explain bellow) to work on it with a great help of mighty Marshal

@fire power
i know XD especialy nose... but i like the rest :3 and thank you my kind friend
and now ill try to now disapoint you with his moves


my computer is broken and i cant work on zack till i get new one :/
Thanks given by: betitngoan
GOOD NEWS! i might be able to make my old computer work in about one or two days! the problem is not into computer but electricity in my room! replacement of power outlet should fix every problem so ill be back soon with much of free time for spriting!!!!!!!! HELL YEAH!!!!
Thanks given by: lf2TimmE1 , betitngoan , dubbleD
punch me next time when ill bethat excited =_=" so problem is surely not in comp :/ i change my Computer Power Supply and all it have change is that it takes more time befor crush... replacement of power outlet give me unexpecting nothing what is sreange becouse my comp work everywhere else then in my home , it works perfectly without any crush problems, blue screens NOTHING! so i tought its allectricity so i change outlet it gives nothing so i also change power suply and still it give nothing much BUT THERE IS A DIFRENCE!!! it works longer! i got something at least!

im not into electricity much so the questioin is... what else oputside comp can crush it? maybe somethng with electricity? its to big or to low... or i chave to much of cabbles on extencion... cable?... anyways.. help? XP
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well, i once had the problem similar to urs. The reason for my problem is the pwer card that is the box which has a fan at its back side which is visible outside got damaged. Check out that. Hope i helped u.

And just say whether the computer restarts or shuts down. That would help ^^.
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hey hf when zack is done r u interested in a 1on1 match with me? Zack vs darius :p would be rly cool
"I'm the president of the shadow government
The grand governor of the federal reserve
Public enemy of the society
The one you cannot see the thirty three degree"
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(12-20-2010, 06:39 AM)firzenx Wrote:  well, i once had the problem similar to urs. The reason for my problem is the pwer card that is the box which has a fan at its back side which is visible outside got damaged. Check out that. Hope i helped u.

And just say whether the computer restarts or shuts down. That would help ^^.
well it helps alittle.. i mean it works but computer still crush =n= what it rly changes its time.. i mean befor it crush.. like it can hadle more now
its kinda wierd cause my computer works eveywhere expect for my house.. i tried it at my firends homes and it work. withot any overhaedt or laagy just works pefect! like it was never broken :/ so basicly my computer is ok it crush only in my home thats why i blame electricity. i swear i check out everything whats possible or at least i cant think of anything more. it crush only in my home that mustbe about electricity :/

(12-20-2010, 09:08 AM)prince_freeza Wrote:  hey hf when zack is done r u interested in a 1on1 match with me? Zack vs darius :p would be rly cool

its preaty sweet idea :D i would tottaly like to try it out :D also it might be a great chance for me to learn how to play lf2 XD in fact i didnt play lf2 since realesing duke i just cant find time ;A; i run it only to check out new osom map char or try moves for project what is rare ;A; i almost have no time to visit that amazing pleace with such amazing people and many talented artists both in dc and sprite! amazing pleace :D

so in short... id like for battle if you find a moment to teach me how to play XD"" also it could be preaty cool promotion video for both of them!
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(12-20-2010, 12:34 PM)hell fightter Wrote:  
(12-20-2010, 06:39 AM)firzenx Wrote:  well, i once had the problem similar to urs. The reason for my problem is the pwer card that is the box which has a fan at its back side which is visible outside got damaged. Check out that. Hope i helped u.

And just say whether the computer restarts or shuts down. That would help ^^.
well it helps alittle.. i mean it works but computer still crush =n= what it rly changes its time.. i mean befor it crush.. like it can hadle more now
its kinda wierd cause my computer works eveywhere expect for my house.. i tried it at my firends homes and it work. withot any overhaedt or laagy just works pefect! like it was never broken :/ so basicly my computer is ok it crush only in my home thats why i blame electricity. i swear i check out everything whats possible or at least i cant think of anything more. it crush only in my home that mustbe about electricity :/

Or check your rooms temperarture.
My room tends to heat up ALOT if i have the PC running in summer (it's kinda over-isolated), causing my old PC to overheat regulary...
Solved with new roof+pc, though XD
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Thanks given by: hell fightter

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