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Zack v0.91 out now
Don't worry HF, as you may know, atleast i like your char ;<
Might be back, might be not :^) anyways awesome to see you guys again!
Thanks given by: hell fightter
I like your char. too but, when its gonna be completed?
Thanks given by: hell fightter
im polishing sprites (still gotta chnage some), polishing moves... Marshal helps me with datas (HIS DA MAN, sriously ALL HAIL TO MARSHAL THE GREAT! without hishelp i would propably never realese Zack) and im thinking of adding one more move basicaly.. its gonna be soon :D
Thanks given by: Sonic Boom
cool can't w8 playing this awesome char :-DD
Thanks given by: hell fightter , Sonic Boom
workin workin workin....
should that move be removed repleaced?
[Image: zack.gif]
cause i have some new wicked moves coming on o3o
Thanks given by: Ariel
hey the power frames looks like paper streamer imo. the char and the hitting frames looks good though
Thanks given by: hell fightter
yea dude i think u should replace this move with a better one
its not looks like zack's other attacks style :\
[Image: p45mycA.png]
Thanks given by: hell fightter , Electric2Shock
Looks a tad overpowered anyways. If you have other ideas, then go for replacing this move :D
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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Thanks given by: hell fightter
(06-21-2011, 02:12 PM)Blue Phoenix Wrote:  Looks a tad overpowered anyways. If you have other ideas, then go for replacing this move :D

Well, zack is a bit overpowered anyway, so I noticed :P
But yeah, I don't really like this move so much either ;) Could be a decent move if it would have good sprites, though.
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

Thanks given by: hell fightter
I have never seen a character with that kind of move. Zack should keep it!
To me, it looks very impressive!

designhevean Wrote:its not looks like zack's other attacks style :\
Zack uses red bolts ... so i think this move fit perfertly to Zack

Congratulations for your work Hell Fighter. You are doing it very well. I'm sure it will be a great character.
But be carefull with your running attack. The punch finish too down, it will be difficult to use (like darius running attack .. looks good but definitly bad) it has to go straigth forward to be a deadly attack.
Thanks given by: hell fightter

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