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Jeez guys, i thought you'd fight over a worthier cause than this.
And if you feel enraged, keep it clean and make it sound classy, so your clearly infinite rage can be masked.
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Joined: Jun 2009
Are there any more moves planned for Zack?
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Joined: Mar 2008
GOOD NEWS! i might be able to make my old computer work in about one or two days! the problem is not into computer but electricity in my room! replacement of power outlet should fix every problem so ill be back soon with much of free time for spriting!!!!!!!! HELL YEAH!!!!
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punch me next time when ill bethat excited =_=" so problem is surely not in comp :/ i change my Computer Power Supply and all it have change is that it takes more time befor crush... replacement of power outlet give me unexpecting nothing what is sreange becouse my comp work everywhere else then in my home , it works perfectly without any crush problems, blue screens NOTHING! so i tought its allectricity so i change outlet it gives nothing so i also change power suply and still it give nothing much BUT THERE IS A DIFRENCE!!! it works longer! i got something at least!
im not into electricity much so the questioin is... what else oputside comp can crush it? maybe somethng with electricity? its to big or to low... or i chave to much of cabbles on extencion... cable?... anyways.. help? XP
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Joined: Sep 2008
well, i once had the problem similar to urs. The reason for my problem is the pwer card that is the box which has a fan at its back side which is visible outside got damaged. Check out that. Hope i helped u.
And just say whether the computer restarts or shuts down. That would help ^^.
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