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Zack v0.91 out now
man you make some of the best effects, they look so nice
[Image: 3rdslim.jpg]
[Image: DAslim.jpg]
[Image: Rocky.jpg]
[Image: Clidebanner.jpg]

Thanks given by: hell fightter , betitngoan
It´s so awesome i´m crying ;<
Keep it up and hell yeah, get this char finished.
Might be back, might be not :^) anyways awesome to see you guys again!
Thanks given by: hell fightter , betitngoan
you should compare the head sizes and make them equal...(if this isn't fixed already) just noticed on some of the gifs, someone might've told about this already...
Thanks given by: prince_freeza , hell fightter
(01-18-2011, 07:47 PM)Wiro Wrote:  you should compare the head sizes and make them equal...

agreed, cuz maintaining head size/hair shape in all frames is rly effective on how the char looks in game. i know its hard for some people but meh...
"I'm the president of the shadow government
The grand governor of the federal reserve
Public enemy of the society
The one you cannot see the thirty three degree"
Thanks given by: hell fightter
(01-18-2011, 07:47 PM)Wiro Wrote:  you should compare the head sizes and make them equal...(if this isn't fixed already) just noticed on some of the gifs, someone might've told about this already...
(01-19-2011, 09:13 AM)prince_freeza Wrote:  agreed, cuz maintaining head size/hair shape in all frames is rly effective on how the char looks in game. i know its hard for some people but meh...

FFFFFFFFFFUDGE ;A; I KNOW GUYS! theres actualy alot of s[prites i want to change , many i want completly remove and so on. char needs alot of polishing ;n; but im gonna have alot of free time soon sooo i would propably work on that and skills and if i have soime luck i would realese zack like in 3 weeks :D
Thanks given by: betitngoan , Wiro
Hey, thats really nice to hear that you have time ;) . I would like to make a change in the punching attack move. I see that he makes his hand move or pose in the wrong angle in the first frame. If he moves it like that, then he should punch on the ground. It needa me more pointing horizontally than towards earth. Correct me if i am wrong. Do the animation and check if u want it to change or not. Hope to see more from you.

Side note: U know, how great it will look when green blinks on the online indicator of yours?
Thanks given by:
(01-20-2011, 11:50 AM)firzenx Wrote:  Hey, thats really nice to hear that you have time ;) . I would like to make a change in the punching attack move. I see that he makes his hand move or pose in the wrong angle in the first frame. If he moves it like that, then he should punch on the ground. It needa me more pointing horizontally than towards earth. Correct me if i am wrong. Do the animation and check if u want it to change or not. Hope to see more from you.

Side note: U know, how great it will look when green blinks on the online indicator of yours?

meh i tought it will be a problem :/ its about energy in first frame :/ its hard to make it looks like electricity so i make it bigger and meeeh >_< it looks like it looks... it need to be changed but first of all i have to see how it would look like in complete move... propably i will change whole concept...
next thing... eee... i forgot.... anyways i have to make alternative run attack just without power when player is out of mp and start working on discharge/power-unleashed move
Thanks given by: betitngoan
very small crappy and lazy update =_="
[Image: animation1ts.gif]
yeah its resprited luis attack, i dont even bother myself to sprite it well just did fast respriting sorry for that:/ yeah it does looks crappy.. at least animated looks better, meh sorry for lazyness i had like whole last week and past two day tottaly free and i waste it on doing nothing so i decide tospend some time on zack =u="
sorry for that

also still working on lazer punch,cant find right possition :/
now i fotta work on power effect for discharge move... dotta feeling that its gonna be pain in arse but hope i canhandle it... i rly wanna keep that move ;n;

EDIT: woring on energy effect
[Image: 25535600.png]
Thanks given by: LutiChris , Whaat , betitngoan
awesome effect
your char make me shock
so ... oh
i forget my project......
and your sprite
sorry 4 my bad eng
[Image: stand-10_zpse8943b33.gif][Image: walk-11_zps3a4de3e2.gif][Image: att-3_zps48065cd2.gif]

Thanks given by: hell fightter
Awesome! Looks great!
I don't think the louis move sprite edit looks crappy.. looks good!
Thanks given by: hell fightter

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