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Mine's Sprites
You should use a 1 pixel brush and with a light skin color and softly highlight the edges of the muscles.
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"A mistake is simply another way of doing things."
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@Chase: I think there is no need to make highlight.. If u make, it will look more plasticine. Also, it will make it look more glossy and also shiny. Skins don't reflect that much light . But, conditions might apply, if it is brightly lit, they do reflect. As far as LF 2 is concerned, there is no need of another highlight is what i feel. I might also be wrong.. I experimented with what u chase said. The result is this:
[Image: brq496r5pf7pva086.png]

Also, this is not highlighted at the edges. Its highlighted a little bit bigger.. So,.. Thats it.

Note: Even, another skin color can be added. But, i am now sticking to 2 color scheme which u need to be familiar too.

Edit: I will show how it looks when it is highlighted at the edges too.

[Image: brq4dtt7hc4k8owiu.png]

Look, this gives little shiny surface to skin. I made up my mind already to use only 2 color schemes. So, thats it.

@Freeza V : Thanks, thats really encouraging. I don't usually draw muscles for legs because, i cover them with pants :P . But, hey i know about leg muscles. also, for the arms, they are weird enough..
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nice bases, but u can totally notice they have human proportions and not lf2 (chibi like) proportions. But hey that is a good thing ur starting to develop ur own style. Also you might wanna look at some human musce pics and study them cuz there r lots of flaws in ur muscle shading (especialy the legs)
"I'm the president of the shadow government
The grand governor of the federal reserve
Public enemy of the society
The one you cannot see the thirty three degree"
Thanks given by: MnM
Did this with edited base.
[Image: brq9nguozf4u4iduu.png]
[Image: brq9ows69wryxnbfq.png]
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Looks good, but my biggest concern are the eyes.. they are looking to far to the right for the position he's him. if he was a complete SIDE view where only one eye was visible then the eye direction would fit.

also his zipper isn't located in the middle of his abdomen making it look like his pants are crooked lol.

It looks nice though! ;)
Thanks given by: MnM
Good,but his blouse should be larger.It doesn't looks well.It don't have the right shading I think.
It is pink without any shadow.While there are strong shadows.
But this is just my opinion,experts can say it better.
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(03-13-2011, 11:10 PM)empirefantasy Wrote:  Good,but his blouse should be larger.It doesn't looks well.It don't have the right shading I think.
It is pink without any shadow.While there are strong shadows.
But this is just my opinion,experts can say it better.

blouse: loose-fitting clothes.
He's wearing skin tight clothes so the shading is quite similar to someone wearing no clothes.
Thanks given by: MnM
@bash : Thanks for c&C and i am honored to hear from u ^0^
[Image: bry6xcyyzzyvocmue.png]
I made this new one.. It pretty much sucks. But, i am happy with the color scheme..
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The arms look a bit too much fat,the hair needs some work,make the hair a bit to the left also and below his ear also.
Feel free to check out My Sprites
"A mistake is simply another way of doing things."
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Duh, sorry for so much in activeness.. I made a new sprite. It may even change into a char.
[Image: bs8ennxb5wifs3hcx.png]
Well, this is the last and final version of how our char should look.
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