yes wearing wrist weights is an easy way to train your muscles to all time tension, thus reacting faster i guess - funny feeling when you take them off after a day, as if they are lighter than air and pulling you up :p
(08-26-2008, 07:36 PM)MH-Razen Wrote: wow, this is a quite cool thing. Got
yeah fine go ahead and keep telling me how you are all 0.00something faster than me
well guess what second time i try it now + being half asleep and i got 0.224
however never below 0.2 (just once exaclty 0.2)
to be honest i dont think any of us could really notice the difference in speed at the third digit there
i wont bother with it any longer! D:
i declare 0.1sth to be the time the light travels to my eye + information to my brain +
decision and reflex to my finger + the pen onto the tablet + the signals in my computer to the flash program + whatnotbeforeafterandinbetween
seeing theres only one thing i can really get better at it should be impossible to improve at some point