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LF2 (What's your take on the story?)
Mind if I claim credit for the Firzen-is-a-good-guy idea? :p

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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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My version:


Davis is a very skilled fighter- his fists are dealing much dmg....
He's the brother of dennis (nearly the same ballz)


Woody was a good soldier (D^A-move), till Julian came.....
Then he escaped and got the Buddy of davis and dennis....
he's the bro of deep (compare the balls and the color!)


A very skilled fighter who kicks his enemys to death....
He's the brother of Davis (compare the DvA-move)


Freeze is an Ice-elemental who hates firen, but has to team up with him to kill julian


Firen is a fire-elemental who hates freeze, but has to team up with him to kill julian


Louis is a wind-elemental captured in a crused armor julain forced him to wear. (julian is afraid about LouisEX power....)
Once he taught julians knights, till he could escape and taught deep how to fight and also rudolf how to handle swords....
Finaly he got the power to break his armor, but juian captued his soul and now he teaches knighs again....


Rudolf was a monk, till Julian nearly killed him, so he learned some sword skills from louis and some ninja-skills from monks


He was one of the best archers in the lion-forest, till Julian came....
He escaped julian, who was intersted on him, via playing his flute....
and, er year, he can't play flute.... If he plays on his flute, everybody around gets dmg!


Once he was an evil mage, but then he turned away from julians dark arts (pink magic, not purple like julian!!!) and learned healing.....
He taught some sorcerers, till some of them tured evil...


He's the bro of woody, but he never was a soldier, he learned his fighing-skills from Louis....
He sweared to kill Julian for capturing his "master" Louis (after transforming)


Bandits living in the forest...
No fight skills, they are just feared beacause of their huge gangs....


No fight skills, they were guys learning arching because they are afraid of Meele-fighing (they are cowardly!) ....
Sometimes they team up with bandits....


A very strong soldier-newbie (short hairs!),
He knows some hard punches, but he's not that good soldier ....


A average soldier (soldiers - D^A upkick!) who was interested in learning
some magic, so he joined Julian....


An average battlemage, he's not that good in 1vs1 because his moves are prefered for battles......
His Healing-moves he learned from John....
But then he turned evil and joined Julian ....
Some are female, some male.....


An advanced asian monk who can use his qi to know down enemys, but just in 15 feet around him.....
Does belong to the good side!


A female mage who was a fortune-teller till Julian destroyed the thin
web of the future-posiblities, so she joined him.....
She's like the sorcerers prefered for battles


An elite-soldier who tries to protect the "king" Julian


An elite-mage who was interested in the dark arts....
so he joined Julian, and Julian made him to his elite-guard...


Bat was a joung child, when a vampire bit him....
just in that moment Julian came along, killed the vampire and made bat to his pupil...
Bat has vampire-skills because he is one, but Julian also taught him fighting-skills and his eye-laser!


After Louis broke his armor, he transformed back into a wind-elemental,
but Julian kept his soul, so he could not change his body....
Then Julain caught him and punished him hard for his traide on him.....
He's a Elite-Knight with hard wind-moves and good fighting-skill!


Firzen is the fusion between the both enemys Freeze and Firen....
check out LF-universe (-> <-) (by Scorpion), there yoU'll find an animation about firzen!


The dark king, once he was a strong fighter, till he got infected with a deathly virus....
He nearly died, but then a demon came and made a pact with him;
the demon suggested him to drive into his body, so he'll stay alive and will have very much power--- julian agreed at once, but the demon took control over his mind.....


Just a magic drawing done by some bored mages, who experienced around with him till he got alive and killed them, because they were drunken....
Now he's free and he's used as a testing-object by LF2-players!
Please don't wonder when I suddenly dissapear for a while!
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Great story STM!
I hope that you wont mind if I tell the story from Julians perspective, until he got evil.

His family, called the Orsk, was a very old family, who hade ruled the land for centuries. But just when Julian's father Christopher become king, his empire was invaded by Louis' grandfather, Lion (he went through the Lion forest when he was on march to the kingdom, and that's where it got it's name) and defeated and killed Christopher. When Christopher was about to die, Julian promised him to take revenge. He got kicked out off the castle when he was only nine years old, by a bunch off Lion's soldiers. Living on the street, he learned to live the hard way. When he was sixteen, he became the leader off the local bandit gang. In his gang off bandits, he had a favourite servant called Mark. Julian took power in the Tai Hom village. Mark was envious at Julian, because he wanted to get as much respect and power as Julian and betrayed him to the villagers. Julian got killed because off Mark's betrayal. But Mark wasn't thanked at all, the villagers forgot him so he took what was left off the bandit gang and fled out to the Lion forest. Mark did never get the honour of helping the villagers in any book or script. All they said was that they got some minor information about Julian from one of the bandits, but never mentioned his name.

When Julian was ressurected by the Evil, he couldn't forget his promise to his dad. It was like a curse. So he turned Louis to his own tool, and when he should be finnished, would kill Louis to get his revenge.

Read the rest here.

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
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Alright, finally here's my take:

Davis and Dennis: Davis and Dennis are known as the Brothers of Tai Hom. They grow up in Tai Hom not knowing who their parents were. No one took them in but the two managed to survive living in the village on their own. In order to survive and protect themselves Davis and Dennis developed their own street-fighting technique. Davis's style centered around fighting with his hands. But Dennis's power centered mainly in his kicks so Davis helped him to strengthen his style of fighting. The two would eventually grow up and move to the city where they went to school at CUHK. They made friends quickly with other people who went their. After school, they (mainly Davis) would showcase their fighting skills with fellow classmates. But as they made more friends, they obtained enemies as well. Mark, a bully and a felon, and his rag-tag crew of Bandits would constantly cause trouble with them.

Woody: The younger brother to the King of the Great Wall, Louis. Woody is a double-agent who was given the task by his older brother Louis to obtain information from the Land of Ice and Fire's ruler, Julian. Woody has a special watch that allows him to teleport in wide ranges. He has a very well-rounded fighting skill utilizing his unorthodox hand-to-hand combat with a special power called Crimson Fury. He learned this power from his good friend Deep. Woody also has a close relationship with Davis and Dennis. Occasionally, he helps them train for combat. Every year there is a fighting tournament at the HK Coliseum and Woody and Davis and Dennis are some of the top competitors.

Louis/Ex: The King of the Great Wall, Louis is the ruler of the land that extends beyond the Land of Ice and Fire. He also controls the Woodlands but he gave Henry the Archer, one of his top warriors, control over the land. Louis learned his power from the Monks who live beyond the land of Ice and Fire. They taught him the Phoenix Palm, one of the strongest powers ever created. But they only taught him the basic technique. It was up to Louis to develop it to his liking from therein. And he did just that. He learned to channel his power and created a transformation technique which he called EX. During the transformation, he channels the power of the Phoenix Palm technique through his body which shoots his armor off his body. His weapon, the Phoenix Trident, extends from his armor and is very lethal in battle.

* Louis's greatest enemy is his former partner John the Dark Sorcerer. The two used to control the Great Wall together but John had an extreme lust for greater power. Louis defeated him and a grueling battle but before Louis was going to kill him, John used his magic to escape. John now serves under Julian, the ruler of Ice and Fire. But John plans to overthrow Julian and become the ruler of Ice and Fire himself.

I'll right more later. I'm outta juice right now.
Escape is a two-syllable word that grants temporary peace in the present to a future victim.
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